This has been biting at me for a long time, and I feel that I now must come clean.
I first realised this problem about a year ago and have been tryig to convince myself that it wasn't true, but alas it is. I've move past denial and fear, and now I've accepted it. I give you this information to do with as you see fit.
Iron Maiden is not my favourite band, nor is metal my favourite genre of music. It never has been, although I do enjoy Iron maiden for what it is. If I had to choose a favourite right now it would be a tie between Baroque music and Billy Bragg.
I will understand if I'm kicked out of the Iron Maiden cheerleading squad and if you all take me off your Christmas card list. I ask you all not for forgiveness, but for understanding.
*bows head in shame*
I first realised this problem about a year ago and have been tryig to convince myself that it wasn't true, but alas it is. I've move past denial and fear, and now I've accepted it. I give you this information to do with as you see fit.
Iron Maiden is not my favourite band, nor is metal my favourite genre of music. It never has been, although I do enjoy Iron maiden for what it is. If I had to choose a favourite right now it would be a tie between Baroque music and Billy Bragg.
I will understand if I'm kicked out of the Iron Maiden cheerleading squad and if you all take me off your Christmas card list. I ask you all not for forgiveness, but for understanding.
*bows head in shame*