2008 in Review


Infinite Dreamer
As the year comes to an end the inevitable reflections begin and a quick search through my old blogs yielded the following nuggets from a year ago:

Happy New Year!!!!
Category: Life

Happy New Year folks! I wish you all the best in this upcoming year and remember things can only get better no matter what lol. It will be fairly difficult to top 2007 as far as I'm concerned. A year ago today I dumped my ex and the year took flight since then having a great time. Had a blast with friends, graduated, working jobs I enjoy and met a wonderful woman not so long ago. There are a few things that could happen in this upcoming year to surpass all that, but it won't be the end of the world if they don't, far from it, I'm extremely happy with my life, have been for a while and I wish only the same to all of you!!!

The "wonderful woman" I speak of is no longer by my side, but we remain good friends. I still work jobs that I enjoy and while I don't remember what "few things" could have happened to top a good 2007 many did happen that not only surpassed my expectations, but also set the bar pretty high for 2009. Let me start by the second blog I found:

New Year Bullshit
Category: Blogging

So I was watching Telehit (Mexican MTV) while making myself breakfast and the VJs were talking about new year superstitions that people do for good luck. Some I had never heard of like hanging a small sheep on your door to bring in money, sweeping the house to sweep away bad vibes and walking in and out of the house with a suitcase for... a who cares. At any rate I found it amusing how as they were talking about superstitions they brought on an astrologer to assess the New year. Hysterical to have an astrologer taken seriously on a show about superstitions. At any rate apparently it is the year for earth signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. Here is what really amused me, it is Capricorn's year. They'll have new business opportunities, they'll go all high tech, upgrading home crap and what-not and maybe even getting a new car. Really? This is a Mexican channel, mostly viewed in Latin America where 60% of people if not more live in poverty. Is it going to be those Capricorn's year too? How is the homeless or poor one going to go "high tech"? Or how will they get that new car? What a bunch of bullshit, honestly. Also, it seems it's going to be Cancer's year too, I'm supposed to have great opportunities in love, education and professional life. I'm not going to lie, I immediately said "whoo-hoo" to all the good news, but c'mon, you make of your life what you want, not what Jupiter in the house of Capricorn aligned with Venus and Pluto in a scalene triangle will throw at you. It's fun, outside of that it bugs me to no end how we as a society keep giving these blatant charlatans such credence.... OH well.

What I thought was bullshit ended up being shocking coincidence if not flat out fate. I did have a change in employment and when it came to my romantic life… Jesus did I have a whirlwind of a year! Even though my girlfriend at the time decided to call it quits a week into the New Year, I met a woman that, like most of the women in my life, has inspired and motivated me into new adventures. As long as I meet my own goals this year (open my own business, land a full-time advising job and write my book) I'll consider it a good year, anything else that happens will be a bonus. Just like a year ago I'll be just as vague and say that few things can happen to surpass 2008.

Whether you had a good or bad year, it is never too late to turn things around.
I got married this year, honeymooned in Mexico, and hosted family christmas for the first time. Now I am seriously broke!

But I also saw Maiden for the fist time in sixteen years, got promoted at work and saw the mighty THFC win a cup. Not a bad year all round...

Now playing: Deep Purple - Woman From Tokyo
via FoxyTunes
I got a big promotion at work back in May, then in June I saw Maiden, first time since 1992 and it was a blast We went to DisneyWorld in September.
Odd but cool year... quit my new job and went back to my old one.  Took a great motorcycle trip.  Spent a lot of quality time with friends and fam.  Re-modeled the inside of my pad.  Re-built my bike.  Dealt with a subpoena from my ex-wife for more child support (and she 'lost' he he).  Got started on my Masters. 

Good year!  Can't wait til '09!!!!


Oh, and last (but not least) over the last year, I've met tons of friends on this board, and had a great time getting to know them all.  Many of you here are closer friends of mine than I have around me in person, and I'm very thankful for that.  I wish you were all closer so we could all celebrate the new year together!!

Hope every one has a happy and safe new year!!!
5 appartments changed.
one country as well.
first time in Asia.
first time in Africa.
Maiden for ?th time

plus an awesome Chardonnay waits for me in a while  :D
The big deal for me in 2008 was my new band. You see, my old band just jams in the basement for fun. While that was nice, my new band is a live band - playing bars once or twice a month. And it was amazing getting back to performing live - this is my first band since 1993 to do so on a regular basis.

Playing live rock'n'roll is the most fun you can have with your clothes on.
(Results not guaranteed if you play live music without clothes. Maybe I'll try that in 2009?)
Well, that is a very interesting upside, and may she always be cancer-free from here-on in!

(I hope you were smart and chose something very close to her original ones!)