❤ Dating Advice For MaidenFans Thread ❤

I was planning to not go to class in order to go see the new Spider-Man movie. But she asked me if I'm coming to class and I was like "Nah" and she was like "Awwww, c'moooon" and eventually convinced me to reschedule it for tomorrow, and as I said, we were alone in class with the professor. Later she waited for the bus with me and that was that.
Don't think of it as "asking out". You were practically alone the whole time, it wouldn't be any different. Just say something like "I'm starving. Let's go grab a bite." Don't even ask, just suggest.
Ask her to the cinema. Say you've nobody to go with now because she made you change plans. She's practically set this one up for you!
Cinema wouldn't be much different than class, can't talk during either.

Don't think of it as "asking out". You were practically alone the whole time, it wouldn't be any different. Just say something like "I'm starving. Let's go grab a bite." Don't even ask, just suggest.
Yeah, I am planning to just ask her on Tuesday (since we only have classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, yesterday was an exception) to hang out during the weekend, before next class, since we never have enough time before/after class. If she's not serious about something more, I'd be totally fine hanging out as friends since she's cool.
You know what helps against cold feet?

Saying "Hey, come on, if your father was this inept YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE"!

(weeeell… my father kinda had the opposite problem, but that's another story)

Think of your children. You and her are gonna have beautiful, smart children. They're gonna be your pride and joy, they'll graduate all the fancy schools, they're gonna be musical virtuosi and maybe, just maybe, one day they just might cure cancer. See these beautiful, wonderful kids? Yeah? You do? Well, now you're KILLING THEM, you hear? They are viciously murdered right before your eyes! BY YOU! YOU ARE ERASING THEM FROM THE FUTURE, MOTHERFUCKER! They already hate you and your scaredy Slav ass!
The quivers, the willies - they're taking the children! YOU HAVE TO SAVE THE CHILDREN!TM

Did the pep talk help? :ninja:

Also, wasn't that Knowing shout out too much?
Careful though, if you take Judas' pep talk for gospel and it doesn't work out, things could get rough.
A first date tips for geeks, by JudasMyGuide:

1.) Don't tell her about any children you dreamt up, no really long term plans, your perfect wedding or anything like that.
2.) Don't boast regarding your sexual prowess. Don't mention any fetishes. Yes, two ponytails/The Little Mermaid/spitting/octopi/cups/felching/diapers/etc. is a fetish.
3.) Don't say "I love you" on the first date. Don't try to get into her bed with "I love you" neither.
4.) Whatever you've learnt from any given pick up artist, forget it immediately. Yes, especially the fake arrogance and "slight putdowns".
5.) You may have read somewhere that some girls like it when you're rough and when you strangle them in bed a bit, but don't mention that whatsoever on the first date, for fuck's sake, you idiot!
6.) Don't joke about Roofies or similar topics.
7.) In fact… don't specifically mention you didn't slip anything in her drink when she wasn't looking - they tend to not believe you.
8.) No teeth in your smile. If you absolutely must, check you don't have any food residue there.
9.) If you obsessively collect anything, don't mention it unless you're pretty sure the girl's into it as well.
10.) If you absolutely must talk about porn stars, at least try to pretend you don't know all their names and genres of choice, okay?
11.) Catholic girls aren't easy, they aren't slutty, they don't wear uniforms and yes, asking about the latter gives away the fact you really watch too much porn.
12.) You absolutely must kiss her, not necessarily in the end... but if she's really repulsed, try to recognise that and don't do it. Really. Also, if you see she's really not that into you and you can't bring yourself to do anything like that… don't talk about it. Going all meta is usually not that appreciated (I have once dated a student of literature with whom we spent most of the date discussing the date's tropes and cliches, but I'd say that's not very common, really. Also, it started to annoy me in the end).
13.) Hint: If she starts talking about some other dude, especially in a sexual way, it's not really a date. Well, unless you're putting your ads/answered an ad in the cuckold section by mistake, so you might want to check that one.
A first date tips for geeks, by JudasMyGuide:

1.) Don't tell her about any children you dreamt up, no really long term plans, your perfect wedding or anything like that.
2.) Don't boast regarding your sexual prowess. Don't mention any fetishes. Yes, two ponytails/The Little Mermaid/spitting/octopi/cups/felching/diapers/etc. is a fetish.
3.) Don't say "I love you" on the first date. Don't try to get into her bed with "I love you" neither.
4.) Whatever you've learnt from any given pick up artist, forget it immediately. Yes, especially the fake arrogance and "slight putdowns".
5.) You may have read somewhere that some girls like it when you're rough and when you strangle them in bed a bit, but don't mention that whatsoever on the first date, for fuck's sake, you idiot!
6.) Don't joke about Roofies or similar topics.
7.) In fact… don't specifically mention you didn't slip anything in her drink when she wasn't looking - they tend to not believe you.
8.) No teeth in your smile. If you absolutely must, check you don't have any food residue there.
9.) If you obsessively collect anything, don't mention it unless you're pretty sure the girl's into it as well.
10.) If you absolutely must talk about porn stars, at least try to pretend you don't know all their names and genres of choice, okay?
11.) Catholic girls aren't easy, they aren't slutty, they don't wear uniforms and yes, asking about the latter gives away the fact you really watch too much porn.
12.) You absolutely must kiss her, not necessarily in the end... but if she's really repulsed, try to recognise that and don't do it. Really. Also, if you see she's really not that into you and you can't bring yourself to do anything like that… don't talk about it. Going all meta is usually not that appreciated (I have once dated a student of literature with whom we spent most of the date discussing the date's tropes and cliches, but I'd say that's not very common, really. Also, it started to annoy me in the end).
13.) Hint: If she starts talking about some other dude, especially in a sexual way, it's not really a date. Well, unless you're putting your ads/answered an ad in the cuckold section by mistake, so you might want to check that one.
Alright, I got the gist of it, I should roofie her, right?
11.) Catholic girls aren't easy, they aren't slutty, they don't wear uniforms and yes, asking about the latter gives away the fact you really watch too much porn.
Here they wear uniforms, but that's because we have some bullshit thing where the province funds a Catholic school system, so lots of people go there...
Had a school Christmas party today. Honestly, it was lame af because the attendance was severely low. But I got to talk to this sweet Ukrainian girl and that was well worth. Yes I did add her on facebook.