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  1. T

    Trivial Pursuit, history edition?

    Does this sound too drawn out? Questions could be posted in manageable groups.....say 5 at a time.....on this thread.  Another member would then pick up the questions.....quoting the original posting and declaring that they would carry out the research. Once vetted the questions, plus...
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    Random trivia

    OK........and no it wasn't needed to go much further back in this thread to find the related question.  For lack of interest here's the answer: The remark 'My friend, we shall not have time to make them. I shall tear up the Bosches within two months.' was made by General Joseph...
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    Trivial Pursuit, history edition?

    A few innocent remarks about Trivial Pursuit then leave you guys alone for 5 minutes and this is what we get.......... Can I suggest a little structure to the endeavour. First anyone can submit questions obviously.....but we'll need a 'check as we go' submitted questions will need...
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    Random trivia

    I don't doubt it.  I've noticed more than a few keen minds around here.  My tired old brain cells are just struggling to keep up.
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    Diving for Cover

    Been wondering where to put this.......and as no-one seems to have asked a similar question.....I guess I'll put it here. So here's the question...... Maiden often put covers on their 'B-sides'.....What song would you like to see Maiden cover? My choice would be Twelfth Night's 'The...
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    Your top 5 metal songs

    Raising the dead here....... This one got me the hell do you choose you're top 5 Metal tracks?  I've decided to go with the songs that have stayed with me over the years.  So in no particular order....first things to spring to mind..... 1.  A Maiden song.........'Hallowed..'...
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    If looks could kill guys know your stuff. Blaze looked positively demonic and Steve just looked ready to dive in the crowd and spiflicate the guy........not often I get the chance to use the word 'spiflicate'.
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    Random trivia

    Now that's an edition of Trivial Pursuit I would buy.......The Military History Edition........but who would I play it with? Did you know that they don't have Trivial Pursuit in Japan.  Very sad. As a hint........a previous question on this thread was about pretty much the same thing.
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    If looks could kill

    Was surfing through youtube today and came across this old video from the Blaze era. Does anyone know the full story?  What did the guy do to annoy the band so much?
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    Random trivia

    OK....I'll jump in with a quick one between showers...... What was General Joseph Joffre refering to when he said: 'My friend, we shall not have time to make them.  I shall tear up the Boches within two months.'
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    What do you reckon the last thing we need from Maiden next year is...

    In a way, we're all collectors.....but I think we'd all rather collect something with a little more 'original' value than the proposed compilation.  Bottom line is that it's an unimaginitive release and what we really want is another new studio album.....but that won't be along for another year...
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    Deep dark secret

    OOOOhhhhh.....Movies that bring on tears......for me that would have to be 'We Were Soldiers'.  Not a Gibson fan......but the scenes where the wives were getting the telegrams......absolutely devastating.  Maybe the best war movie I've seen.  Really brings home the tragedy of war.....forget the...
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    Random trivia

    Damn!!! And that was in my time zone too. I'm set to wondering if the suggestion that the term 'Peeping Tom' is derived from this story is actually true?  I only heard the theory recently......and you know how easy it is for these things to suddenly become fact. Edit:  Well Merriam Webster...
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    Random trivia

    I can see that time zones are going to seriously hamper my chances of answering a question in a timely fashion.......If you need me I'll be in the shower.
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    Random trivia

    Hermits get a bad press.....sad victims of stereotyping.  The average hermit is as concerned with personal hygiene as the next person....though usually the next person generally refuses to stand down wind for some unfathomable reason. I think Wasted is taking his time posting a question just to...
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    Best of Iron Maiden ´80-´89 to be free to download!

    But you only get to play the download three times.  So they're really just lending us the tracks.  After that if you want to keep the tracks you have to pay. If you want really 'Free' Maiden.....just direct your friends to Youtube.  Seems like almost every Maiden song is on there...
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    What do you reckon the last thing we need from Maiden next year is...

    It's the 'collector' mentality that they're preying on.  Many fans want the 'complete' collection and someone is taking advantage of the fans by releasing these compilations.......What exactly does his one have to offer that makes it so different from previous releases. I hate the way that Rod...
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    Random trivia

    All those wasted hours spent sleeping.....then in the shower this morning....the sudden idea that the answer lies in currency....only to be wrong again......a depressing start to the day. I guess Wasted155, as you got the last one, will have to furnish us with a new question.  I'm not showering...
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    Random trivia

    I said 'Stick to the shallow end'....... This will have to be slept's past my bedtime.......
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    Random trivia

    I'm neutral as far as the Scorpions are concerned, but with respect to the laws of heraldry....the information that would have solved the puzzle was stored away in a dusty part of my brain that I haven't been to in years...the mere fact that it exists was only brought to my attention by Perun...