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  1. InfiniteDreamer544

    The Educated Fool

    I completely agree. This was the first song from Virtual XI that I really liked (along with Futureal). The vocals are great, the lyrics are inspiring, and I especially like the instrumental + solo section. It hypes me up. I can hear those powerful bass chords from Steve.
  2. InfiniteDreamer544

    RUN FOR YOUR LIVES - The setlist contest

    I’m making a bold prediction here with it being mostly chronological, but here goes: The Ides of March (Intro Tape) 1. Prowler 2. Phantom of the Opera 3. Wrathchild 4. Killers 5. The Number of the Beast 6. 22 Acacia Avenue 7. Hallowed Be Thy Name 8. The Trooper 9. Rime of the Ancient Mariner...
  3. InfiniteDreamer544

    IRON MAIDEN: 'Infinite Dreams - The Official Visual History' Book Due In The Fall

    I’m accepting the very real possibility that we won’t get anything, mostly due to the quality of Nicko’s performance throughout the tour. Maybe in 15 years when the band has retired. :(
  4. InfiniteDreamer544

    IRON MAIDEN: 'Infinite Dreams - The Official Visual History' Book Due In The Fall

    So, looks like it’ll be this book instead of a documentary to coincide with the tour? Looks cool.
  5. InfiniteDreamer544

    Dream Bruce Dickinson setlist

    This is definitely on the long side, but who cares? This setlist is 2 hours and 1 minute. Son of a Gun Tattooed Millionaire Shoot All the Clowns Back From the Edge Accident of Birth Chemical Wedding Jerusalem Man of Sorrows Born in 58 Gypsy Road Change of Heart Re-Entry Arc of Space Darkside...
  6. InfiniteDreamer544


    I think it’s gonna be Prowler. Maybe with Be Quick or Aces as the encore opener. Even though Prowler isn’t a big ol in your face classic opener, it makes sense. They’re going back to the beginning. I think Invaders would be cool as an opener too. That would be a curveball that no one...
  7. InfiniteDreamer544

    Russia invades Ukraine

    I can assure you that as an American, many of us are ashamed and embarrassed by this orange piece of shit.
  8. InfiniteDreamer544


    Dang! Those floor tickets are only about $120usd. Sucks living here in the USA where the same tickets are about $300 average.
  9. InfiniteDreamer544


    It is definitely a good trilogy! I didn’t actually listen to the trilogy thoroughly until buying the albums. I had listened to The Eagle Has Landed live album with the bonus tracks and I tend to prefer those versions of most songs. For me, I felt like Wheels and Strong Arm blended together...
  10. InfiniteDreamer544


    It is fascinating how so many people’s Saxon rankings can differ so wildly. But at the same time it is not surprising since they have so many eras and so much good music. You have the old school folks who tend to put the classic trilogy at the top. Then you have the folks who love the more...
  11. InfiniteDreamer544


    How do you all feel about recycled riffs? Many bands are guilty of this, using common riffs or chords. But what about when you are copying yourself? Is it okay to rip yourself off so blatantly? I noticed these two Saxon songs from their two most recent albums and had to lol a bit...
  12. InfiniteDreamer544

    If Maiden were to release an official live album from any tour of the past...

    I have several I would love: Somewhere on Tour ‘86 (Belgrade) No Prayer on the Road A good Blaze show or compilation AMOLAD Tour Maiden England 2012/13 (would love to hear those updated versions of the SSoaSS songs)
  13. InfiniteDreamer544

    The pop-ups are making this forum near unusable

    Do you click the upward arrow/carrot thing to collapse the ad? I agree though, the ads on this site are ridiculous.
  14. InfiniteDreamer544

    Bruce talks not detuning the songs

    Bruce’s arrogance and huge ego are so cringey. Maybe he should look back at when he sang Tears of the Dragon with Tribuzy down tuned. And it sounds great. Hypocrite!!
  15. InfiniteDreamer544

    Nicko McBrain retires

    Who is Shacky?? And why do we care?
  16. InfiniteDreamer544

    Simon Dawson is the new drummer

    I’m glad they chose Simon rather than Joe. I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed an exact replicant of Nicko’s style. You gotta have your own identity.
  17. InfiniteDreamer544

    Nicko McBrain retires

    Correction: He is Maiden’s best drummer, without a doubt (in my mind).
  18. InfiniteDreamer544

    Nicko McBrain retires

    I hope the new drummer retains some of the classic Nicko sound, but still has a style of their own. We don’t need a carbon copy (Joe), in my opinion. I’d like to hear relatively fresh versions of classic songs.
  19. InfiniteDreamer544

    Have you ever fundamentally changed your opinion on any Maiden album over a span of years?

    Precisely, I feel that those recent short rockers are very forced. Even if they are considered “fast”, they in fact are not. The faster tempos still feel very slow to me. Even in songs like The Parchment, the faster part in the end is just not quite fast enough in my opinion. Even 5 more...
  20. InfiniteDreamer544

    What songs/albums have you changed your mind the most drastically about, since you started listening to IM?

    I used to think Blood Brothers was just an okay song. I’d instinctively roll my eyes when they’d play it live. I thought it was a waste of setlist space. I don’t know what happened, but I started loving it and I hope to see it live again someday.