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    KISS To Team Up With HELLO KITTY?

    Huge Kiss fan but this is starting to piss me off :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
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    Dedicated To Chaos, Queensryche's new album

    I think the new cd is their worst.  Going to see them on 8/4.
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    Albums in the order of which you got them.

    Piece of Mind was my first when it came out.  Then NOTB, Killers and IM.  The rest I got were in the order that they came out.
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    I have all of the studio albums. What now?

    I would get all the live cds you can get.  Also The Early Days and Live After Death DVD's are a must have.  The BD solo cds are great also especially the last 3 as mentioned earlier.
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    How old are the maiden fans?

    A young 41  :yey: :yey:
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    Maiden is rumoured to play "Greatest Hits" tour in 2014

    Yep they stated that on The Early Days dvd.
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    The Alchemist VS The Alchemist

    Maiden by a hair
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    The better drummer?

    Love Clive also but voted for Nicko. 
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    Favorite Incarnation of Eddie on an Iron Maiden release?

    Live After Death Flight of Icarus The Trooper Powerslave Aces High
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    Your Favorite Iron Maiden Band Member

    If I have to vote it would be Steve his writing and the way he plays bass.  I believe he is the best bassist of all time even over Geezer Butler!!
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    Bruce Dickinson's best vocal performance

    Hallowed Be Thy Name Live I always go back to Live After Death
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    Best Studio Single Artwork

    Always Loved The Trooper and Flight of Icarus
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    Which Iron Maiden album would you like to see performed live in its entirety?

    Got to go with POM even though I have heard alot of the songs live.  NOTB and BNW next.
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    Song vs Song

    Silent Waters Fear of the Dark vs. Hallowed Be Thy Name
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    Rime Of The Ancient Mariner vs. The Talisman

    Perfectly said.  ROTAM is my Fav Maiden song.  TT is a great song too!!
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    Ozzy Vs Dio (Solo Career)

    RJD not even close for me even though the first 2 Ozzy albums are classics.