Speaking of- if coming from out of town how does one find any pre show festivities? Heading to Columbus tomorrow and don’t see anything from a quick google.
This one time- I had a bit too many old fashioned’s (and a few gold rushes if we are counting) then I went on maiden forums and walked into an internet throw down!
But then it wasn’t.
And I thought- well… at least maiden sound better!
And went to bed.
The end.
I am fairly new-ish here and I can say the level of guitar wankery is amazingly delightful! I have heard hints of it- but wow. The last 3 pages have been fun.
It seems like Maiden have hopefully gotten on track a bit and I love how the conversation has drifted from ‘they suck- hang it up!’ (To...
This is my point. Above someone said ‘frustrating for all involved’…
THEN FIX IT! It’s not magic folks- this is an issue with monitors (or something- I’m not a musician) but it can be fixed.
If his hearing is that bad- stand near the kit and do it old school. You can’t tell me they are so...
You are probably very right! I am not familiar with them, I put on some when I seen they were opening for maiden and just wasn’t impressed. I lasted maybe 2 minutes and realized it was just not my thing. I’m sure they are talented and I’m not disputing their timeline in reference to my...
I could get on board with Eternal Champion- but I can’t do the overly processed vocals of Sumerlands.
I know it won’t ever happen- but Slough Feg would be a true metal delight!
Last time I seen maiden and had any real excitement for the opening acts was Dio and Motörhead back in the early...
In terms of opening bands- I think some power metal would be great. It would bring in some young fans perhaps.
I would love to see Unleash the Archers for example- or Frozen Crown, and regardless of the previous posters objection… Powerwolf.
IDK- I’ve said it before somewhere around here- but I like high energy openers. I thought IESF didn’t go over all that well. Maybe it was just me but it seemed people were waiting for a bang and got a wet fart.
(With that said- I love the song, just not as an opener.)
That timing is terrible! With a band of this stature, the amount of professionals that surround them it seems like this should have been fixed after the first time.
But to have reoccurring timing issues during a full world wide tour seems inexcusable.
I see Bruce as any person in a profession where you can rise up the ranks. While young you grind it out, work your ass off to move up- then once you have paid your dues and reached a certain level maybe you chill a bit. Maybe you explore some other paths.
Now I don’t mean artistically- that’s...
I wonder if they would ever do an ‘Evening with Maiden’ type of thing.
I think for their final tour that would be amazing like this- just 3 hrs (with breaks of course) Stories from the band, chats, banter, the hits and the deep cuts.
Maybe not many shows, a few days between and in bigger...
Well- you’re in for a treat either way! It’s a happy accident really, this will allow you to get two shows out of the deal.
After 35 years, you deserve it.
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