Since Senjutsu hasn’t had a ‘proper’ tour I think they open with a song from the newest album. CSIT will be a bit later.
I think if they start with CSIT it makes it feel more like a traditional hits tour.
To each their own of course- but that’s why these prices go so high. I’m not saying a few ppl not buying a shirt would make a difference, but at some point we have to ask ourselves if it’s worth that price. Again- if it is more power to you.
But I have long since checked out of the concert...
It seems the pattern is to have a few rough shows, smooth out a bit, Bruce gets sick then they end the tour on a high note. (Maybe not literally tho- maybe they end on a high shriek?)
I am very much looking forward to it either way!!
I’ve been thinking- is Maiden bigger amongst the younger folks over there? Is metal bigger there (in general) than the states?
Radio airplay? I know top40 rules in the US, but not sure how ‘popular’ music changes in terms of geographies.
Seems like a good dissertation lol.
I’m terrible at math- but it seemed there were a lot of 50+ folks at both shows I attended.
Tbh- I was hoping for more youngsters.
I had a student (they are in college) say ‘my dad went to that show!’ And I was thinking … yup. That checks out. Lol.
Ugggghhhh- nothing compares to the early 2000’s with Dio and Motörhead. That shit was amazing.
I am hoping for Unleash the Archers or something similarly awesome.
I was at the show- on floor in GA and it seemed very full! Great energy- but on the floor it’s hard to get an idea of how full the place is- but when I looked back I was very impressed at how much it filled up! I was concerned a week or so ago at the possibility of a weak showing.
Here the one...
Not to relitigate Bruce’s comments in Columbus but this idea of changing opinions is dicey ground.
It seems more and more people are changing their opinions on how the world responded, and from the other side of the pandemic (let’s hope) when AT THE TIME they felt very different. I’m not saying...
Come on folks! Tickets for N.C are like $40! Get out there and fill it up a bit.
(I know it’s not my fault- but I always feel oddly responsible when a show is poorly attended lol)
What do you mean you can hear parts of it? Or as it was portrayed? We’re you there by chance? The part that I was referring to isn’t in the video.
I’m not looking to cancel Bruce or some shit. It’s just been on my mind since the show and now to see it removed from the video makes it seem...
Idk- it’s not Bruce’s fault, but ‘unwoke’ is like red meat. As soon as he said that a bunch of people just cheered at the term ‘unwoke’ and don’t get the full context of what he was saying.
Tbh- I couldn’t get it all myself, it’s hard to understand what he’s saying at some point. I just know...
The show was great last night! As others have said- a lot of people there. Great atmosphere- all around. But man- the Maiden crowd (myself included) is old lol. Never seen so many ill fitting teeshirts stretched over bulging bellies in one spot. Hahahaha. Again- I’m one of them.
Does Bruce...
Idk- it’s all anecdotal but I know of more than a few people where I will say:
Wanna see Maiden?
Ya! When?
Then we go to the show- afterwards they say ‘that was great!’ And thats the end of it. They don’t know the set list before going in- maybe they are casuals? Or maybe they are normal? They...
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