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  1. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Bro, he’s a guy from Greece living in China. That’s not to say he can’t have opinions on the US, but we’re arguing against a dude who will not be nearly as affected by this election as we are.
  2. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    I'm gonna scream. The problem was not that he had sex with a pornstar. The problem was that he falsified business records to cover up the money he paid her to keep quiet. Do you understand.
  3. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Paying off pornstars is fine, but falsifying your business records to cover up the fact that you paid off that pornstar is NOT. Do you even know anything about the trial? Anyone besides a rich-ass billionaire does that and it's game over, locked away. Trump does it and he gets elected president...
  4. Diesel 11


    Y’all have moved a little too fast for me, I still need to hear ICV. :P
  5. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Well it was a nice try.
  6. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Because I want concrete examples of things they did in office that are not subject to speculation or theory. That's 99% of what you've been posting in this thread and it's getting tiresome because you have no proof for almost everything you're talking about. That's why I wanted to hear what you...
  7. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson

    While y'all discuss album rankings, why not pop in and throw us a vote in the Bruce Dickinson Solovivor? We've reached the top 3 and now need to decide if "Tears of the Dragon", "Darkside of Aquarius", or "Book of Thel" will be the next across the killing floor. Currently neck-and-neck so...
  8. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Trump had his party block a bipartisan border bill so he could run on the election. Did I not literally specify policies and not conspiracy? Also not policy. Why is it so hard to stick to policy for you? Also not policy, and I don't know what this has to do with Biden. Did he plant the...
  9. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Can you tell me 10 things that Biden did that you dislike, and 10 things that Trump did that makes him the better president? And I’m not talking about conspiracy or personal values or stupid shit that doesn’t matter or doesn’t exist, I’m talking about specific policies they enacted while president.
  10. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    I didn’t even pick up on that acronym until now. This country is so fucking dumb.
  11. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Tears had so many votes in earlier rounds that I’m shocked it made it into the top 3, let alone looks set to make the top 2. Thel has pretty consistently had less votes than the other two here so I’m really surprised it’s started racking up points now.
  12. Diesel 11

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    I guess Alex told her she didn’t have to put on the red light long before Sting made it cool.
  13. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    I’m happy to have a “Book of Thel” finish. Although I will @ @JudasMyGuide out of respect in case he wants to return to vote it out.
  14. Diesel 11

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    All I'm saying is that it wasn't this bad before Trump was elected. Must be lawfare against the leftist elite running MaidenFans.
  15. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Tears of the Dragon, once again.
  16. Diesel 11

    Bruce Dickinson Solovivor 2024 - "BOOK OF THEL" WINS!

    Top 10 01. 02. 03. 04. Omega 05. Chemical Wedding 06. The Tower 07. Jerusalem 08. Accident of Birth 09. The Alchemist 10. A Tyranny of Souls
  17. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Elon also reinstated an account that posted child porn so honestly, fuck him forever. I am about to lose my mind. "Social media companies regulating content is worse than McCarthyism!" Fuck off, please.
  18. Diesel 11

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

  19. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    And Trump wants Israel to go in and "finish the job" with our backing. So, thanks for that.
  20. Diesel 11

    USA Politics

    Yes we do. It's November.