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  1. T

    84 out of 86 Iron Maiden songs

    As someone who started on music when vinyl was the only option I'm not so sure about that - in a way lifting the needle and plonking it down at the appropriate place was easier than with CDs and iPods etc, but you did need a steady hand - but it was certainly a bit more cumbersome with casettes...
  2. T

    84 out of 86 Iron Maiden songs

    Skipping always seems to me to be a bit of a cop-out, so I don't do it, although I suppose it's a bit silly in a way enduring songs that I may not particularly like just for the sake of it. If I'm listening to a new album then I will skip any tracks I know for a while - or leave them off my...
  3. T

    Iron Maiden fan on gameshow called "Mastermind"

    I'm certainly far from a Maiden expert, but I got the impression that the questions asked weren't too difficult, at least in comparing past specialists subjects that I've known a bit about. In fact I also watched the Metallica Mastermind session as well - hadn't seen it before - and the...
  4. T

    What's the best proof to show that Iron Maiden is NOT satanic

    But do you think the band would write songs like Prowler, Charlotte the Harlot or 22 Acacia Avenue these days, or even the NOTB? Perhaps as you say the band are not concerned about their image or any change has been deliberate, but older fans no doubt look back on some of their attitudes from...
  5. T

    What's the best proof to show that Iron Maiden is NOT satanic

    As I said in my opening post, and as a Maiden newbie at the tender age of a-couple-of-years-from-fifty, for thirty years the whole Eddie image and the message portrayed by the whole NOTB thing (at a superficial level, at least) put me off the band. So what sort of image is the inconic Eddie...
  6. T

    No Prayer for the Dying

    Indeed, and of course it afflicts a whole range of life issues other than just those addressed in the song. Music is another interesting one. When I was a teenager - about thirty years ago now  :blush: - I was into punk, while one of my mates was buying Maiden and Judas Priest albums. And we...
  7. T

    No Prayer for the Dying

    Not so sure about that - seems more of a pragmatic statement about war rather than a kneejerk, idealistic, anti-war rant about all armed conflict. Clearly the first part of the song outlines the horrors of war, but the latter part essentially asks what the alternative is? For example 'Should we...
  8. T

    Most accessible Maiden albums?

      :lol: Thanks for the various replies, plenty of food for thought there. Perhaps I should have phrased the question differently, but please note that I'm not necessarily looking for an easy way into Maiden. What I'm slightly 'worried' about is that having listened to Iron Maiden, Fear of the...
  9. T

    Most accessible Maiden albums?

    Hello everyone, and please go easy on a Maiden newbie  :ninja: And I can go on a bit, so for the substance of the question please go to the final few paragraphs. Anyway, here's an interesting statistic to kick off with - I first heard Iron Maiden 30 years ago, but until a few of weeks ago the...