Recent content by argyris

  1. argyris

    Iron Maiden pictures

  2. argyris

    Iron Maiden pictures

    Thats Brian Johnson
  3. argyris

    Iron Maiden - artworks with Eddie

    Yeah, you right. I ' m really sorry i shouldnt be that aggressive . Excuse me again . Its just that cant stand to see all these in the same thread next to Derek Riggs art..Maybe there should be a new thread called "Fun with Eddie" or something , I dont know
  4. argyris

    Iron Maiden - artworks with Eddie

    Thank god
  5. argyris

    Iron Maiden - artworks with Eddie

    And how "this" made your life better ??
  6. argyris

    Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

    What is this post on their fb page about a mystery tour ?
  7. argyris

    Iron Maiden pictures

    No ,no Paul Cairns , this is Tony Parsons
  8. argyris

    Iron Maiden - artworks with Eddie

    Please stop...please
  9. argyris

    how and when did you discover maiden?

    Late 1984. 2 minutes to midnight was in a "top hits '84" type compilation i bought as 12 year old boy. Was brutally mutiladed ( fade out when guitar solo starts) ,but was enough to got me to go and buy Powerslave the next day :)
  10. argyris

    The OFFICIAL band members BAD HAIR DAYS thread

    Mullets rules ! I read somewhere they re coming back.i hope they are!
  11. argyris

    Iron Maiden - artworks with Eddie

    All these are NOT "artwork" no artist or work is in it .its just ai shit.please stop posting things like this
  12. argyris

    Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

    Thanks everybody !
  13. argyris

    The Future Past tour 2023

    I never liked the short version of Where Eagles Dare and never understand why they did this