Bruce nasty to fans??


A good friend says her friends met Bruce at his speaking tour & he was horrible, w/ pure anger in his face as he asked to be left alone, not too politely either. Her friend was so upset they gave away all their collection & got their IM tattoo covered up/lasered off.
I haven’t read anything close to Bruce being nasty, mostly that he’s nice. I’m now intrigued. I don’t think my admiration for him is going to go anytime soon –- it’s just a part of me, like my love for fantasy novels & black tea & my iffy stomach -- but my knees feel like they’ll go. Just thinking re that barely controlled rage.

He looks like he could peel my skin off w/ those eyes. Is there any truth in his hatred of his fans??
He can be rude. I know a guy who ripped off his Maiden shirt in front of Bruce after being told to fuck off.
I always take these stories with a grain of salt. Not that Bruce doesn't deserve criticism for poor fan treatment, but you never know what's going on in their ("their" as in any famous person) lives at that moment and while it sucks to have that bleed into your professional life, it happens. Also, I'm not seeing if the OP's friend asked for an autograph during a signing event after the show, or just walked up to him randomly?
My direct interactions with Bruce have always been pleasant and positive, but they were all in a professional capacity (album release party, interview set up by the label, email initiated by Bruce, etc.), and didn’t involve hitting him up randomly in public or asking him to sign things. And they were all a little over 20 years ago, so who knows how people might change over time. But I never experienced any shoddy behavior from him.
Did your friend approach him randomly or was it by the stage door? If it's the latter I can somewhat understand as the majority of those autographs just get put on eBay later.
We're all human beings after all...including Bruce.
Also, him snapping at fans like that for no reason sounds really odd, if they weren't being douchebags when they approached him.
Could also be that he had just been harassed by some asshole-''fans'' just before and he just had enough.

I met him years ago in a hotel lobby and he was nice and polite. I could tell he had better things to do than sign a cd or take a picture with a 20-year old Finn, but he was nice enough to have a little conversation which made my day.
It is very unlikely that all six of IM members will be nice.
I always had the impession that Dave & Nicko are jerks, Adrian & Janick are nice guys, while Bruce & Steve are somewhere in the middle (with Steve slightly nicer than Bruce).
It is very unlikely that all six of IM members will be nice.
I always had the impession that Dave & Nicko are jerks, Adrian & Janick are nice guys, while Bruce & Steve are somewhere in the middle (with Steve slightly nicer than Bruce).
Dave was nice when I met him.