Pica Serdica
Welcome to the Sixth of June Saturday (not to mention strawberry penumbral eclipse) Black Metal event, inspired by the following two posts:
Starting it now because it's already 06.06. in some parts of the world where casts its shadow.
Black Metal being all about chaos and individualism, and me being off for most of Saturday due to a Serdi Touch event I cannot miss (unless weather fucks it up), I'm leaving this in the doubtlessly capable hands of yourselves.
Discuss why you love / hate / never heard of / couldn't care less about Black Metal.
Make, if you wish, a meaningless poll of who started it all - was it Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer, Black Sabbath, or the inevitable Adrian Smith.
Post your thoughts of what Black Metal is in your understanding.
Discuss the role of Thrash, early Sodom and Slayer, even supposed crust punk influence on Quorthon, or had he never heard of Venom indeed.
Pretend, if you wish, in a Saturnalian / Kronian carnival spirit, that you support exactly the opposite views to what you normally would. Or, again if you wish, ignore the whole thing.
Silliness, personal attacks, and all kind of improper behaviour are more than welcome, as long as you keep it interesting.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", as that Crowley buddy used to say, except:
PLEASE refrain from posting links to any NSBM content. Firstly, it's generally shit and poor taste; secondly, I'm pretty sure it's against this forum's rules. And no, Burzum is not NSBM, despite Varg's confused and constantly shifting personal beliefs.
Also, try not to post until it's 06.06. in your timezone. I'm violating this right now only because Aussies.
Let the joyous celebrations of Hell begin...

andCould we please have a special Black Metal event on June 6th?
Like, those of us already into it pretend we're just discovering it on the web and know nothing about it, and those who aren't pretend they never cared about any other genre: bal masqué meets Halloween, kind of.
Would love to see Jer in the role of a BM apologist.
Go ahead and run one.
Starting it now because it's already 06.06. in some parts of the world where casts its shadow.
Black Metal being all about chaos and individualism, and me being off for most of Saturday due to a Serdi Touch event I cannot miss (unless weather fucks it up), I'm leaving this in the doubtlessly capable hands of yourselves.
Discuss why you love / hate / never heard of / couldn't care less about Black Metal.
Make, if you wish, a meaningless poll of who started it all - was it Venom, Bathory, Hellhammer, Black Sabbath, or the inevitable Adrian Smith.
Post your thoughts of what Black Metal is in your understanding.
Discuss the role of Thrash, early Sodom and Slayer, even supposed crust punk influence on Quorthon, or had he never heard of Venom indeed.
Pretend, if you wish, in a Saturnalian / Kronian carnival spirit, that you support exactly the opposite views to what you normally would. Or, again if you wish, ignore the whole thing.
Silliness, personal attacks, and all kind of improper behaviour are more than welcome, as long as you keep it interesting.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law", as that Crowley buddy used to say, except:
PLEASE refrain from posting links to any NSBM content. Firstly, it's generally shit and poor taste; secondly, I'm pretty sure it's against this forum's rules. And no, Burzum is not NSBM, despite Varg's confused and constantly shifting personal beliefs.
Also, try not to post until it's 06.06. in your timezone. I'm violating this right now only because Aussies.
Let the joyous celebrations of Hell begin...