I think I've finally decided; Bob Dylan can just fuck off.
I got the old turntable out and I'm listenin to Before The Flood, the live album by The Band. Halfway through Dylan comes out for a couple of numbers and he has totally blown my buzz. Its a great album by a great band and that whiny tramp just comes out and pishes all over it. Take yerself on te fuck, Robert.
Whelp, it's been 11 hours. I may have passed the fuck out for 80 mins, and puked once, but I'm finishing this, dammint! I'm 21 beers in, with 3 to go. I really bekivr I can finish this befire the 12 hour mark. Also the only one still awake at this point. This post took me a good 5 minutes to make, but believe me, I am in fact drunk af.
Is this 24 wee cans, like 330ml? Or are we talking the bigger ones. Still, this is bloody impressive. That's (assuming 330ml) 7920mls of liquid; which is about 14 pints of beer. That's a lot. I don't drink that much, or that often, but a couple of Saturdays back I did 10 rounds with a friend (all day drinking); nine full pints plus a wee voddy & coke. I managed to do this while playing a pool competition (which I won), which I thought was pretty good going. Was home before 10pm too.