Thunderstick Lives!
Fantastic interview. Thank you so much for posting this. Paul was a genius and SAMSON made 10 masterpieces (the official albums). One day, people will realize that, I'm sure and confident.
Steve has mentioned this quite a lot, sometimes he's a bit more diplomatic and names no names about who he is talking about, but that seems pretty clear.
Also, Doug Sampson was a good mate of Steve's and I've seen Steve mention before about being heart broken about having to give Doug the boot, so I'd find it very hard to believe that he'd want to replace him with the guy described in the above quote.
From the account given in "Run to the Hills" (again!) I didn't get the impression that Doug was "given the boot", I though he walked voluntarily on the grounds that his health was already not up to their schedule (ie before they were signed) and he knew it was only going to get worse as they became more successful. I can see that Steve might well be heartbroken to see him go though.Steve has mentioned this quite a lot, sometimes he's a bit more diplomatic and names no names about who he is talking about, but that seems pretty clear.
Also, Doug Sampson was a good mate of Steve's and I've seen Steve mention before about being heart broken about having to give Doug the boot, so I'd find it very hard to believe that he'd want to replace him with the guy described in the above quote.
Thunderstick described the rehearsal they did when Steve wanted him back in 1980. It's the truth. I just can't find the interview.
Steve did not want the Thunderstick persona, pure and simple.
We were talking genuinely and regularly to Bruce on the phone and he was getting a bit disillusioned with his own solo project
Hm, I didn't get the impression of him bashing Samson from the autobiography. Rather that he enjoyed most of it, but he saw Maiden and wanted to sing for them.
Barry confirmed this
And did Steve do so?
No. This doesn't mean it's not true, even.
Then this would make it Barry's conjecture.
Samson wasn’t very good to begin with.![]()
From "Survivors" to "Joint Forces", all albums were masterpieces. And even beyond that, they did great albums anyway.
Your personal opinion, just an opinion.
And dont forget this is MaidenFans not SamsonFans
*Edit - That was a joke nothing mean!*
Your personal opinion, just an opinion. From "Survivors" to "Joint Forces", all albums were masterpieces.
Dark Side of the Moon is often labeled as masterpiece of prog rock, The Number of The Beast (or Paranoid/Master of Puppets) masterpieces of heavy metal. I am not aware that Samson's albums are being deemed masterpieces in hard rock circles. Opinions are like arses, sure, but those "masterpiece" labels have their reasoning rooted behind majority opinions, impact, and longevity in terms of relevance. How many successful hard rock or metal acts cite Samson as one of the strong influences? There are several generations of successful bands that cite Maiden like this.
I consider two Dickinson/Z/Smith albums better than 99.9% of hard rock and metal out there. I would never try to justify my personal preferences the way you do with yours and Samson. Keep it real dude - Samson never truly made it big. They may have had the potential.