I thought it'd be cool if there was a separate discussion thread for the book so that us who haven't read it yet can avoid spoilers
So discuss it here 

so that us who haven't read it yet can avoid spoilers
A couple of interesting anecdotes I've just got to....
You kind of forget it's not fiction, too, it's a good story.
Ah yes, but it doesn't need to be fiction to be a good story - everyone must write the plotline of their own life!You kind of forget it's not fiction, too, it's a good story.
Book is interesting so far, but I also miss a lot. Not much about why he left Maiden, his midlife and professional crisis during the solo years, about personal subjects concerning Maiden or life in general. I respect that he doesn't want to go too personal (and he does some), but still...
Was there a professional crisis? About general midlife crises and personal subjects, I for one understood that this book is a about the working Bruce and his achievement in that regard. Naturally it would have elaborate parts from personal life that could affect the career(s), but not just for the sake of it.