- Polish art agency PAGART informs: Soon in our country - A world famous band: Iron Maiden [list of dates and venues].
- My name is Tony, we are a catering called Eat to the Beat and we work for Iron Maiden. We work for 50 people, we make breakfasts for 30 people, lunch for 30 people and dinner for 50. We also run a buffet for 10 people. We're here so the band can be happy and we try to do our best. We keep everything under control. I think we all have good fun, it's nice to be in Poland. Thank you for filming me, but I have to get to work. Goodbye.
- Send this man to Hollywood! He'll make a career.
- That was terrible, I'll never do it again. [you can hear him saying: "It's all pain in the ass", I'm not sure what he was referring to, but the narration makes it sound as if he's referring to him being filmed]
- My name is Dick Bell, I'm the production manager for Iron Maiden and this is Dave Lights, who is in charge of lighting and also is the crew manager. Dave, what our day looks like?
- We usually come here at 8 a.m. and it takes us 7 hours to set up all the equipment on stage. 30 people work in our team, we have 5 trucks and a few buses, which transport all the equipment and people. This is the longest tour we've ever done with Iron Maiden, I think it's going to last for 14 months. Right?
- Yes. We travel through the whole Europe. Next we go to Italy, Spain, Portugal... Thank you, sir. [to the guy passing by in front of a camera

] Next is America and Canada. In January we go to South America for two concerts. Let's hope... Thank you, sir. Let's hope the tour will end in July next year.
- Steve Harris uses 3 guitars on stage. He has two custom made Lado guitars and a Fender Precision guitar from the mid-70s. In Lado guitar he uses special flatwound strings by Rotosound. I take care of his bass guitars. I change strings every day, because they have to be ready for the performance.
- That's a Lado guitar used by Adrian Smith. Actually it's his main guitar. It has a Rock Injure [?] vibrator [sic!] system. It's a nice looking guitar. Really nice. Its shape, its colour. Everything. It's so heavy metal.
- This is a quite rare Fender Stratocaster model. The hardware has been changed, it's not original. It has a new string locking system and a new vibrator [sic!] made by Allparts from Texas. Pickups have been changed too. Here are two humbuckers instead of two original ones by Stratocaster. [sic] One of them is called PAF and is placed in the neck position and the other one is Super Distortion, placed in the bridge position. They are both made by DiMarzio.
- I'm the tour manager. It's my duty to make sure everything goes according to plan. I take care of transportation, hotels as well as make sure all the money is transferred to the proper accounts. Everything's on my plate.
(7:02 - Rod's white suit, that Bruce was making fun of in some recent interview

- We are firefighting officers of [name of the division, I don't know how to translate it properly right now]. We would like everything to go well. We all are music supporters. Especially heavy metal... It draws everybody. We really hope to catch a glimpse of the performance.
- Dicky, do you hear me? I'll be busy for 5 minutes, don't bother me. My name is John Hart, I'm responsible for band's security. My job could be very difficult. It all depends on how you approach it. If you want to work only with your muscles, it might cause problems. You can get in conflicts with organisers and make troubles. But if you are able talk your way through it, the job gets easy. I also have to make sure the crowd is safe and close to the band, so everyone could have fun. That's what this is all about. To be honest, thinking is more important than physical strength.
[Hard to hear. The speaker lists some players and says it's a match between the band and the journalists. Wrocław, 13th September - day after the show.]
(10:42- Rod)
- I found them, about 5 years ago. We went professional at the end of 1979 and the first album came out in 1980.
- Was it hard to find them? Had you listened to many bands before?
- No, what happened was very peculiar. I was fed up with the business. It's a terrible business [Rod said it's "two-faced"]. I had enough of it and started playing rugby. You know... A game. A friend of mine in the club introduced me to Steve Harris. He brought me his tape and said: "Wanna hear the songs?" I did, I liked it. I met the guys, I really liked their approach. That's the truth, actually.
(11:26 - Nicko)
- You know, the life on the road is great. The crowd on this show, and many previous ones, was fantastic. It's obvious you have to play good or there will be no reaction like that. And that's the good side, but when you have to be separated from your family, go away from home for a long time, that is the real handicap. There are always positives and negatives, you know what I mean? Sometimes it's very difficult. I have a wife and a little son and to be honest I don't see him much.
(12:09 - Adrian)
- Me and Bruce write together. He writes lyrics, I write music, sometimes we record it on tape. Steve usually writes alone - both lyrics and music. We just sit together, play guitars softly [sic] and try to play out a theme. Later we play it with more equipment. If it sounds good, we play it. If not, we forget it.
(12:44 - Bruce)
- We tend to write songs about the supernatural. Old stories, like the legend of Icarus. These all relate to modern life, because all men's problems have been the same since 2000 years ago. People don't get on with each other.
(13:08 - Dave)
- When I play the solo, I always want to start high. I want it to be my own. I want all the notes to build my own expression.
(13:25 - Steve)
- We started the band at the end of 1975, 1976. [sic, I think he meant end of 1975 or beginning of 1976] We were playing in pubs and small clubs in London. Then we managed to branch out to the whole England but still played clubs and pubs. We waited 4 years to get signed by EMI.
(13:48 - Bruce)
- Everybody has to blow off steam sometimes. Look at the Iron Maiden fans. Majority of them are nice people, but they go nuts at the concert. It's like a football match. Everybody goes crazy.
- This music is for tough people. Not everyone can [inaudible...].
- [First word inaudible] boring work, stupefying school and urban life. It's another, alternative form of life. [I think the kid meant "way" of life, not some kind of entity

- Heavy metal is a beautiful music for us.