18th Studio Album discussion

It’s not just a lack of a new album but it looks increasingly like we aren’t getting a live album from the future past tour either.

It just feels like Maiden is a touring band these days and nothing more. Hope I’m proved wrong but they don’t seem to want to release any music these days.
It’s not just a lack of a new album but it looks increasingly like we aren’t getting a live album from the future past tour either.

It just feels like Maiden is a touring band these days and nothing more. Hope I’m proved wrong but they don’t seem to want to release any music these days.
Live albums are increasingly becoming a thing of the past. Future/Past even.
Lol, as if there's money to be made on albums anymore.
Maiden are one of the few bands that I’m sure do make money on albums. Maybe not as much as they did in the past but I’m sure they turn a profit on an album.

They have hundreds of thousands of fans all over the world and theirs a hardcore of Maiden fans that would buy multiple versions of albums. I myself bought 3 versions of Senjutsu :facepalm::D
Live albums are increasingly becoming a thing of the past. Future/Past even.
But in the build up to the future past tour the band, Steve in particular, was saying how they regret not recording much from the SIT tour and how they weren’t gonna make that mistake this time.

Maiden have released a ton of live albums and I can’t believe they haven’t realised that a future past one would be unique having more songs than usual that have never been on any other live album. This would definitely sell.
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Or it may be that they want to actually record when they have good ideas, instead of just releasing a bunch of mediocre albums to make some easy money
The problem with that thinking is they dont actually bother writing much of anything until they go to the studio, so they don't know if the ideas are mediocre or good until they actually get there.
Could it be that it still depends on how Nicko's health develops? If he is supposed to be on the album?
I wouldn't rule it out. He will decide, I guess. He can still play solid and fast enough. Or maybe they've already recorded something, who knows... naah?
The only reason they do not release new albums more often is because they are not interested in doing that. They have plenty of gaps in their schedule for writing and recording new stuff if they really wanted to.
It's not about time, it's about desire, yep. And rotating new albums and Hits tours. Maiden taking longer breaks with albums will always bother me a bit. There are mixed approaches from the other (old) metal bands though.
It just feels like Maiden is a touring band these days and nothing more. Hope I’m proved wrong but they don’t seem to want to release any music these days.
Since the release of TBOS album I feel like the band is a bit more interested in touring, which is normal but at the same time odd for a band like them. They always prefer to play live, but they always want to create new music and move forward. With the new drummer (live), let's see, and they don't want to retire. Steve's recent comments on the matter are before Nicko retired from touring, but they knew before that:

''It's a fantastic back catalogue that we've got, but you don't just rely on that. We've done tours before where we've only played the old stuff, but we've always continued to make new albums. And even now, I'm still writing all the time. I've got so many ideas, it's ridiculous, insane.
There’s nothing in the works at the moment. But that’s not to say there won’t be. So, I don’t know. Yeah. I mean, maybe we’ll find time to cram a new album in somewhere. You never know''.

Rather positive answers, right. I would like to think that he would want to release as much as possible of his many ideas.
Or it may be that they want to actually record when they have good ideas, instead of just releasing a bunch of mediocre albums to make some easy money
I don't think it's about the ideas, they have them all the time and we know they're going to be good. But to know when you want to write new material, you have to be in the studio.
But in the build up to the future past tour the band, Steve in particular, was saying how they regret not recording much from the SIT tour and how they weren’t gonna make that mistake this time. Maiden have released a ton of live albums and I can’t believe they haven’t realised that a future past one would be unique having more songs than usual that have never been on any other live album. This would definitely sell.
Exactly. And this is the last tour with Nicko!
It’s not just a lack of a new album but it looks increasingly like we aren’t getting a live album from the future past tour either.
If we don't have news about it by April then it will be so unfortunate. I guess Nicko doesn't want because of the playing, but they released NOTD with Bruce who was sick(!). It's probably different, idk.
Live albums are increasingly becoming a thing of the past. Future/Past even.
Really? The era is like this, but live albums/videos (not DVD) are essential for the metal bands. I think it still has its uses. Otherwise it would be sad.
I strongly believe Nicko will play the drums on the new album. Otherwise, what could "he is not leaving the band, just not playing live with us anymore " mean?
The next tour (if they want to continue) will be a new album tour. If they want to do a Part 2 of RFYL, do it for a potential (ahhhh) 3rd leg with the album released in September of 2027 (6 years after the previous one). I doubt it, but they'll be making plans after the new tour.
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Glenn Tipton is still a member of Judas Priest, but I don't think he plays that much guitar on the albums. Likewise David Paich is still a member of Toto, but doesn't really do much at all.
Glenn Tipton is still a member of Judas Priest, but I don't think he plays that much guitar on the albums. Likewise David Paich is still a member of Toto, but doesn't really do much at all.
Tipton writes songs, plays a few notes here and there and gives Richie pointers on how to play some stuff. The Crown of Horns solo has Tipton written all over it, but it's obviously Richie playing it. Paich is the musical director for Toto nowadays. Nicko is still capable enough to play. Even at his now limited chops, he could still easily outperform the Virtual XI playing.
Tipton writes songs, plays a few notes here and there and gives Richie pointers on how to play some stuff. The Crown of Horns solo has Tipton written all over it, but it's obviously Richie playing it. Paich is the musical director for Toto nowadays. Nicko is still capable enough to play. Even at his now limited chops, he could still easily outperform the Virtual XI playing.
I think he actually played the solo on Crown of Horns. Or was that just for the music video?
But in the build up to the future past tour the band, Steve in particular, was saying how they regret not recording much from the SIT tour and how they weren’t gonna make that mistake this time.
Even a release of a Future Past live album wouldn't compensate that gap at all. I think the one has nothing to do with the other for Steve. The songs sounded so different in comparison. CSIT live 1986/87 is miles away from 2024. Not worse, not better, but completely different.
I think he actually played the solo on Crown of Horns. Or was that just for the music video?
Richie plays the solo both in the studio version and in the music video. But it's probably written by Glenn, or, possibly, but not as likely, Richie writing the greatest Tipton solo Tipton never wrote.

I did initially suspect Glenn played it because the sweeping was slightly sloppy sounding, but revised my analysis.
Richie plays the solo both in the studio version and in the music video. But it's probably written by Glenn, or, possibly, but not as likely, Richie writing the greatest Tipton solo Tipton never wrote.

I did initially suspect Glenn played it because the sweeping was slightly sloppy sounding, but revised my analysis.
Ah, I misremembered. Glenn is seen for a bit in the video, but it makes sense that Richie played the solo.