Forbidden (1995)
NOTE: I gave the original album a spin first so I could properly hear the difference between how it sounded in 1995 and how it sounds now with Tony Iommi's new remix. I don't
hate the original mix, but it's definitely a haze. The remix doesn't fix the songs themselves but it is good to hear a lot more clarity. All of my comments in this post will be based on the remix.
The Illusion of Power - The intro to this song is super epic with a vaguely eastern melody. For a moment I'm almost thinking that maybe the haters are wrong and this is a misunderstood dark horse album. Then the actual riff comes in and it's some trite shit that sounds like Black Sabbath watered down. How do I like my Sabbath? Black. Maybe a little cream, maybe a little sugar. But this is straight up piss. My boy Tony Martin stumbles in from the backdoor and I'm all excited to hear what he has to sing and... Tony... Tony... are, are you trying to rap? Lord Jesus white boy please dear god no... What a bum opener. I don't
hate this song but it's absolutely tedious and goes nowhere. If it were shorter and just an intro to the rest of the album it might be okay, but it's nearly five minutes long, the hook sucks, the guitarwork is rote, and the only bright spot is Ice-T's guest appearance. Here's a guy that's actually got the voice for this (although this material is still beneath him). Martin is just wasting his time and his talents here. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed. Sabbath's worst album opener by far.
Get a Grip - Another dud. This one's just sad. Tony Martin is actually singing here but he's completely checked out at this point. "That ain't nice!" Thank you for the stunning social commentary, man. This all sounds so b-league. You're telling me this was the same lineup that recorded
Tyr? What the fuck. "Here we go!" yells Martin, and then we don't. His vocals in this outro sound like Paul Di'Anno after a couple beers. Fuck man, they even gave this one a music video. It's not...
baaaad, but I really expect better from this band and especially these players.
Can't Get Close Enough - This one starts out as a sleepy ballad and turns into a rocker part way through. The vocal melodies are really, really uninteresting but Tony Martin at least puts a minutia of effort into his singing here. He still sounds one-dimensional compared to his four previous albums with the band, though. The heavy part really feels like Iommi wanting to sound hip and cool with the kids who have traded in their Sabbath tapes for Pantera CDs. Ugh. It's better than the previous two but it's still not very good.
Shaking Off the Chains - This guitar has some crunch to it, which is cool, but the riff still sounds stale. Martin's vocal melody is literally just the riff, rhythmically and tonally, and there is no passion anywhere. The chorus is trash, an unpleasant warning alarm thrown into a drunken maelstrom with Martin just shouting over it. Fucking hell. The fire has clearly all burned out, Iommi's solo at the end is one of the most phoned-in things he's ever recorded. Sabbath have two songs with the word "chain" in the title, and both of them suck.
I Won't Cry for You - A power ballad that sounds like it's attempting to do what "Dying for Love" did on the previous album but it just isn't the same. Iommi's playing isn't as magical, Martin's voice isn't as passionate. The pre-chorus has the tiniest hint of life gleaming in it, but everything else still sounds so tired. The chorus is annoyingly repetitive. Goddammit. I feel like a just sat through 5 minutes and 25 seconds of nothing.
Guilty as Hell - What can I even say at this point? They're just shitting things out and hoping that the turd isn't diarrheal. Tony Martin drops the ugliest vocal performance he's done to date. Was this man chain-smoking Marlboros between
Cross Purposes and
Forbidden? What the fuck? I would be content in calling this song a rough, uninteresting stomper that goes nowhere if they had left off that fucking bridge. Martin is back to shouting and drops the band's first F-bomb and nobody clapped, nobody cared. Iommi doesn't even try to do a solo on this one. Jesus Christ.
Sick and Tired - Cozy tries to recreate his iconic "Stargazer" intro on a song that does not need a "Stargazer" intro. This track is just "Cloak and Dagger" but boring. At least the song title is a good descriptor for the experience of listening to this album. Look, it's fine, whatever, I don't care. Legitimately yawned when it wrapped up.
Rusty Angels - Holy shit, is that actually a proper fucking RIFF???? Iommi finally pulls something out of his ass that has me hooked, hell he's even got some Jimmy Page swagger in there just to show off. Martin's voice is still rough but at least something is happening. This song rumbles along like a freight train and ughhhh I've sat through seven fucking songs waiting for something like this to finally hit me. Was it worth it? No, but at least I'm here now. The verses are pumping, the chorus is simple (more daft lyrics) but I love the melody to it, the sparkling clean guitar behind it is such a nice touch. It also doesn't overstay its welcome. This is a good song still held back by the weaknesses of the album but a good song nonetheless. I'll fucking take it.
Forbidden - The dynamics of the previous track are gone here but the title track is actually a cut above most of the album. Martin genuinely sounds alright on this one, more soul in his voice than we've heard since "The Illusion of Power" began playing. He's still just singing the riff on this chorus, and it's repeated a bit too much, but otherwise this song is pretty solid! Okay, scratch that, I'm docking a point because I hate the "UOOGH" sound Martin retches twice here. Iommi also phones in another solo.
Kiss of Death - I was pretty worried on my first listen that the 6+ minute closer lying in wait at the end of the album was basically going to be Everything Wrong With
Forbidden But 6 Minutes Long, yet from the minute "Kiss of Death" started I was completely caught off guard by just how GOOD this song is. The quiet intro wriggles its way into view and Tony Martin actually sounds great here. The bursts of heaviness are like a supernova, and the song uses a ton of build up before we get anywhere close to the chorus. When that chorus hits, it hits fucking hard. Close to chills. The vocal melody is kinda stock but everything about the build-up to that moment really makes it click. The song also speeds up at the end which is a super nice touch, although I wish it stayed here a bit longer. I feel like this track is at least missing a solo but all the individual parts are great. In a way it's like a return to "Eternal Idol" but with the big powerful hook that that song was missing. I'm so happy that the band locked in for one fucking moment on this album and Tony Martin got to end his final record with the band on a high, fucking, note. This is a great song, album be damned.
Forbidden is definitely a record that exists. You can listen to it. I'm not really sure why you would want to, though, at least not when you can play pretty much any other Black Sabbath album. Barring two songs that are actually pretty good, the material here is the least exciting they've ever done. No one in the band sounds like they're actually invested. I know Iommi was pretty pissed about the production but his own music feels like he's just trying to push this out to clear his record contract.
The sad thing is that none of these songs are
awful, there's nothing as bad as "Keep It Warm" on here. They're all just really lame and there's no spark from anybody (I guess Neil Murray is alright on the bass). Tony Iommi plays stock riffs. Tony Martin doesn't even try to write a decent vocal melody or lyric. What an utter disappointment. It's also weirdly lopsided. The other bland Sabbath records started out with their best material and then devolved as the albums went on.
Forbidden hides its best work at the very end after you've already given up with the rest of the album.
It's not hard to understand why this was the end of the Martin era. Black Sabbath had lost the plot and clearly needed to shut this whole thing down before it got worse. A real shame because the other four albums that Martin did with Sabbath are probably my favorite era in the band's career.
Simply put, Iommi had forgotten how to write new music and it's no wonder then that come the end of the decade he would be much more interested in reliving the past with Ozzy, Geezer, and Ward. Fuck me. I need a spirit or something.
• Loser Gets It All - Man, why wasn't this song on the actual fucking album? It's actually pretty solid with a nice groove and a better performance than Tony Martin did almost anywhere across the actual record. Even in allocating bonus tracks they fucked it up, SHIT!