War Of Epics: Results

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Supper's Ready is another boring Genesis song with horrible vocals, while Cathedral Spires is one of Judas Priest's best songs. Easiest vote so far.

I like Absu, but I think Apzu isn't really that good... while Song Of Yesterday is probably best Black Country Communion song and has an amazing guitar solo.
Priest. That's a song I mostly overlooked in the Priest survivor, but it was well worth considering in its own right as an epic. Terribly good song with some nice build up. The Genesis one just isn't my thing, sadly, and I'd prefer more grandiosity in an 'epic'.
Black Country Communion - very, very nice song indeed and it gets my vote. I liked Absu, lots of energy and some really nice parts - vocals remind me slightly of Immortal :D - so it was a close one.
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I don't think I'll ever get how Peter Gabriel's voice can be horrid and singers like the Apsu dude aren't, but I am very old. :p
But the Genesis song just kind of inoffensively meanders along.
Like Brigs says, epics need to be epic, and Supper's Ready is just long.
Cathedral Spires is overrated IMO, but it wins this match.

Apzu was OK, but the BCC song is special. And that's even without counting the solo, which is one of the best of this millennium.
some really nice parts
You've got another thing (or two) coming, later in the game!
Apart from that, check this other Absu song! And play on 11 please. Not long enough for this game but very cool imo.

I hear some annoying choices of notes in that Black Communion solo which also doesn't have enough variation for my liking. He could have done so much more, melodically. A few other parts of the song were a bit tedious. I admit that there are good moments as well (strong returning guitar melodies).

I stick with the more adventurous, exciting black metal from Dallas. Apzu also has a wealth of drum patterns, I really dig that. Some of them are very grooving too.

Cathedral Spires descended in appreciation over the last years. But it is still better than its dragging opponent. It less strong melodies. It has indeed, at places, annoying vocals. How people have the patience to play and overwhelmingly like this is beyond me. Most overrated song in the history of prog rock probably.
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Very easy choices. Genesis was silly and boring, Absu was too extreme for me.

The Priest song is pretty cool, I had never heard it before. Black Country Communion is simply awesome.
Phase 1, Round 7 Results:
Cathedral Spires and Song Of Yesterday are promoted, Supper's Ready and Apzu are eliminated.
User standings are updated here.

Phase 1, Round 8:
First matchup is a tough one for me to choose. I like both bands very much. Right now, "Blackwater Park" gets the edge. But I could change my mind before the voting is over. :innocent:

The Moon Safari song held my attention, and I liked it. But no part of that song is as exhilarating as the first two movements of 2112.
IE vs Opeth is interesting. One of Opeth's best but I still prefer IE.

Moon Safari is a very good band. I remember chatting with Mosh about them once, how their influences are very clearly heard. This song is very Flower Kings. Of course, I'm still voting for my own song.

Opeth video blocked in the US, btw.
The Opeth song is listenable but quite boring, in my opinion - just like the whole band. The Suffering trilogy on the other hand is one of Iced Earth's finest moments.

I really, really, really hated the Moon Safari song. Hated it. I had to force myself to listen through the last six minutes or so, and found nothing of appeal in it except maybe some nice but short guitar playing in the end. Hence, it's no question that Rush gets the vote.
The Suffering Trilogy is probably Iced Earth's best work. Blackwater Park is one of Opeth's best songs... Top 5 at least... however, that's not enough to beat Barlow.

2112 is OK. The Temples Of Syrinx is its best part, the other parts don't live up to it. Methuselah's Children bored me, was way too long.
Where's the Opeth support?! Honestly, the inclusion of three separate songs as a trilogy is a bit unfair, if you ask me. If this was allowed, I would have said all of Opeth's Still Life album or Symphony X's entire V album. Plus, let's be real: Scarred is a terribly average-at-best Iced Earth song.

2112 hands down.
The Suffering Trilogy is officially a trilogy, and since I allowed Abbey Road Medley which isn't official, why not this? Iryo though :p And Scarred is awesome.
The Suffering Trilogy is officially a trilogy, and since I allowed Abbey Road Medley which isn't official, why not this? Iryo though :p And Scarred is awesome.

Yeah, I'm mostly just bitter because my Opeth song is gonna lose. :mad:

Slave to the Dark is pretty awesome and Question of Heaven is amazing. Comparatively, Scarred is incredibly weak. As a song on it's own, it's just average. Honestly, I think you could have gone with just A Question of Heaven and still won by a landslide. But you shot for the kill, so I have to respect it.
I actually far prefer Something Wicked trilogy. Had you placed that in here, I would have been tempted to outvote my own song for it.
I actually think that Prophecy (slightly) and Birth Of The Wicked (a lot) are better than Scarred and Slave To The Dark, but AQOH slays The Coming Curse which is the worse of these 6 songs, way too repetitive.