Classic Rock Mega-Knockout: Finals!

Vote for your favorite song

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Classic Rock Mega-Knockout: 512 to 256, Round 24 of 64

This round introduces the #41 seed and its challengers...


"Another One Bites The Dust" (Queen) [41] vs. "Do It Again" (Steely Dan) [472]
"Another One Bites The Dust" (Queen) - 1980 - #1 US, #7 UK
Ranked by 9 of 13 radio stations, highest in Australia: #23

"Do It Again" (Steely Dan) - 1972 - #6 US
Ranked by 5 of 13 radio stations, highest in Boston: #219

"L.A. Woman" (The Doors) [216] vs. "Dazed And Confused" (Led Zeppelin) [297]
"L.A. Woman" (The Doors) - 1971
Ranked by 7 of 13 radio stations, highest in Boston: #18

"Dazed And Confused" (Led Zeppelin) - 1969
Ranked by 5 of 13 radio stations, highest in Atlanta: #72
"Band On The Run" (Paul McCartney) [88] vs. "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" (George Thorogood) [425]
"Band On The Run" (Paul McCartney) - 1973 - #1 US, #3 UK
Ranked by 8 of 13 radio stations, highest in Washington DC: #29

"One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" (George Thorogood) - 1977
Ranked by 4 of 13 radio stations, highest in Philadelphia: #34

"Centerfold" (J. Geils Band) [169] vs. "Tumblin' Dice" (The Rolling Stones) [344]
"Centerfold" (J. Geils Band) - 1981 - #1 US, #3 UK
Ranked by 6 of 13 radio stations, highest in Philadelphia: #36

"Tumblin' Dice" (The Rolling Stones) - 1972 - #5 UK, #7 US
Ranked by 6 of 13 radio stations, highest in Atlanta: #68

One day left for Round 21
Also open: Round 22 , Round 23
My votes:

I really like that Steely Dan song but can't go against Queen here. You might think that maybe I choose Queen because of the famous bass riff, but no: it's Freddie's performance that seals it here. Another One Bites The Dust

Second pair is brutal. LA Woman deserves better but the Zep song is a step beyond. Dazed And Confused

Interesting McCartney song, but the Thorogood is more entertaining. One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

Stones song is OK, but the J Geils album Freeze-Frame is one of my all-time favorites. Centerfold
Queen, Zep, Paul, and Geils. Though Paul vs George was hard, and I had to think about it.
Great Steely Dan song, but "Another One Bites the Dust" grabs you whether you want it or not.
Sigh. "L.A. Woman" would beat any song from yesterday's round, and it has to go up against "Dazed and Confused".
And people say Macca's solo albums aren't any good... "Band on the Run".
Stones, easily, though I enjoy the Geils track.
So let me see if I've got this right... Thorogood's "Who Do You Love" stomps over the far superior "Logical Song", but "One Bourbon" gets crushed by McCartney? I mean, losing to McCartney I can see, but... I'm still the only Thorogood guy? :blink:
Band on the Run is one of only a few of McCartney songs I like. Maybe only three, come to think of it.
Classic Rock Mega-Knockout: 512 to 256, Round 28 of 64

This round introduces the #37 seed and its challengers...


"Free Bird" (Lynyrd Skynyrd) [37] vs. "Heart Shaped Box" (Nirvana) [476]
"Free Bird" (Lynyrd Skynyrd) - 1973 - #19 US, #31 UK
Ranked by 8 of 13 radio stations, highest in Atlanta: #4

"Heart Shaped Box" (Nirvana) - 1993 - #1 US (Alternative Songs chart), #5 UK
Ranked by 4 of 13 radio stations, highest in Los Angeles: #104

"Strawberry Fields Forever" (The Beatles) [220] vs. "Hold On Loosely" (.38 Special) [293]
"Strawberry Fields Forever" (The Beatles) - 1967- #2 UK, #8 UK
Ranked by 7 of 13 radio stations, highest in New York City: #81

"Hold On Loosely" (.38 Special) - 1981 - #27 US
Ranked by 5 of 13 radio stations, highest in Washington DC: #69
Last edited:
"Rock And Roll All Nite" (Kiss) [92] vs. "Something" (The Beatles) [421]
"Rock And Roll All Nite" (Kiss) - 1975 - #12 US (Alive! version)
Ranked by 7 of 13 radio stations, highest in Ontario: #36

"Something" (The Beatles) - 1969 - #1 US, #4 UK
Ranked by 4 of 13 radio stations, highest in New York City: #37

"T.N.T." (AC/DC) [165] vs. "I Want To Hold Your Hand" (The Beatles) [348]
"T.N.T." (AC/DC) - 1975
Ranked by 6 of 13 radio stations, highest in Ontario: #48

"I Want To Hold Your Hand" (The Beatles) - 1963 - #1 US and UK
Ranked by 4 of 13 radio stations, highest in New York City: #57

One day left for Round 25
Also open: Round 26 , Round 27
Amazing Skynyrd song VS. mediocre song by crappy overrated band.

Decent .38 Special song VS. mediocre Beatles song.

Very good Beatles song VS. iconic but mediocre song by a terrible band.

Awesome AC/DC VS. very good, but schmaltzy Beatles song.
My votes:

Southern rock with epic closing guitar solo wins. Free Bird
Ditto. Hold On Loosely
Kiss' only appearance in the game, and I'm still in the Kiss Army. Rock And Roll All Nite
Oh, are there Beatles songs in this round too? I should throw them a vote. I Want To Hold Your Hand
SKynyrd (see Knick)
Not a big fan of Strawberry Fields
Kiss because its fun
Same for AC/DC. Love the Beatles, but no these three songs.
I can't say I love "Free Bird" or anything, but it's a cool song.
Lennon's half of the greatest single ever beats... whatever that was, I forgot already.
You're asking me, will my love grow...
Can't share any positive thoughts on Freebird. :yawn:

Child in Time may last a minute longer in time, but not in experience.