What is this? Yet another Birthday thread?

Happy birthday Shadow and Duke - 'ave a good 'un. :hbd:

EDIT: Saggitarians are cool. :D
what? Duke and Shade share their birthday? And yet they didn't plan a big Maidenfans gathering to celebrate! Lazy bastards :P

Happy birthday to you guys anyway
Thanks guys and gals! It's great having a brithday this time of year, because you get to hear people singing "Glory to the new born king" all the time....quite a nice ego boost!

I plan on having a pint for all of you!
:hbd: Shadow!  :hbd: Duke!  Why don't you guys celebrate together?!  Maybe Duke can teach Shadow about his newly discovered Newfie-ness  ;) with some Screech Rum and a codfish.


Enjoy!  ;)