To post a question like this is not much good if you are not willing to follow up on the answers and do some research yourself. This is a HUGE field of study with countless books, articles, documents, etc. available to the curious. There are those who have dedicated their lives to the study of the Bible, and yet it is not hard to find Bible “experts” every where you go, who will tell you what they “know” until you want to throw-up!
The streets and shopping malls are full of such “experts”, who are very opinionated on the subjects of the Bible and Jesus. Funny thing is, if you ask them a few simple questions, they suddenly get real confused! Try it sometime. Here are some good questions to start with:
What are your views on eschatology? ::
Can you name the Synoptic Gospels?
What is the Pentateuch? Who wrote it?
What are the scrolls of the Megilloth?
What is the Apocrypha?
What were the original languages of the Bible?
Can you name a deuterocanonical book?
What is the difference between higher criticism and textual criticism?
What can you tell me about the Dead Sea Scrolls?
And so, I salute you for admitting that:
“…how much do we know about it? Few of us have ever read it, and even fewer researched about its historicity.”
Well said! You are absolutely right!
It amazes me how few people will turn to real expert opinion on the Bible. If they have a question about science or technology, or history, or any subject you care to imagine, they will seek out the scholars and the academics. But, if you ask them about the Bible, guess what?! They already know it all!
The Bible’s historical reliability is well established with scholars, and the burden of proof is really on the doubter. Skeptical Bible critics have been attacking the Bible for generations upon generations and they haven’t made any progress yet! Archaeology has proven wrong so many of the skeptics’ theories and beliefs.
For example: For many years the existence of the Hittites (a powerful people in Abraham’s time) was claimed by Bible doubters to be pure myth. But today the critics are silenced. Archaeology has unearthed abundant evidence for the Hittites! Modern criticism also theorized that writing was unknown in the days of Moses (therefore early Old Testament books were written long after the events they describe and thus they embody only legends handed down by oral tradition). However, within the past century, hundreds of thousands of books, written on clay and stone tablets, antedating Moses by centuries and even by millenniums, have been uncovered. Proving that the very earliest Biblical events could have been recorded by contemporary writers.
If you are honestly interested in the subject, there are a number of excellent books that cover the topic quite thoroughly. They are also widely available and reasonably priced. I would suggest:
The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell (ESSENTIAL! - Check out all his books!)
Halley’s Bible Handbook by Dr. Henry Halley (ESSENTIAL!)
Examine the Evidence by Ralph O. Muncaster (Lots of good short books by him!)
The Facts on Why You Can Believe the Bible by John Ankerberg & John Weldon (Lots of other good books by these authors)
Scientific Facts in the Bible by Ray Comfort
The Complete Book of Bible Answers by Ron Rhodes
Biblical Archaeology by John H. Sailhamer
How We Got the Bible by Neil R. Lightfoot
Any book by Gleason L. Archer, Jr. (Serious Scholar!)
The Bible For Dummies by Jeffrey Geoghegan, PhD & Michael Homan PhD
I would also recommend the following links: ---- (Buy books here!)
Now to provide some answers (just an introduction)……..
First of all, historical events can not be proven like you can prove mathematical equations or probabilities. They must be evaluated based on the evidence.
Legal evidence, rather than analytical or statistical evidence, is used to confirm historical events. Eyewitness testimony and circumstantial evidence are all we have available to us to evaluate history (exactly the same types of evidence used in our legal systems).
Evaluation of the historical evidence is achieved by:
1. Careful study of the eyewitness testimony (written records, Biblical or Extra-Biblical),
2. Verification of the accuracy of that testimony (through Archaeology),
3. The circumstantial evidence (by way of Archaeology).
In other words, all we can do with any historical event is study the extant documents/records, establish their veracity, and look for any other evidence that supports or illuminates the issue.
This analysis of the Biblical record has been going on for thousands of years now and the evidence for the Bible’s historical reliability and accuracy is well established with scholars of every stripe.
By the way, the Bible is not a book! It is a collection or library, if you will, of 66 different documents written by at least 40 different authors, from many different lands, under varying circumstances. The Bible contains mostly books of history, supplemented by actual correspondence, poetry/literature, and prophecy. So, as you can see, it is an incredible collection of historical documentation!
Anyway, let’s look at a few quotes from real experts that throw light on the subject:
Unlike other books that claim to be Scripture (such as the Book of Mormon), the Bible’s accuracy and reliability have been proved and verified over and over again by archaeological finds produced by both believing and non-believing scholars and scientists. This includes verification for numerous customs, places, names, and events mentioned in the Bible.”
-----Ron Rhodes (President of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries)
Thus far, no historical statement in the Bible has ever been proved false on the basis of evidence retrieved through archaeological research.”
-----Keith N. Schoville (Associate Chairman of the Department of Hebrew and Semitic Studies at the University of Wisconsin)
To be skeptical of the resultant text of the New Testament books is to allow all of classical antiquity to slip into obscurity, for no documents of the ancient period are as well attested bibliographically as the New Testament.”
-----John Warwick Montgomery (Ph.D. (Chicago), D.Theol. (Strasbourg, France), M.Phil. In Law (Sussex, England), and author of over 140 books and journal articles.)
It can be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference.”
-----conclusion of Nelson Glueck (Jewish specialist in ancient literature) after an exhaustive study
Discovery after discovery has established the accuracy of innumerable details, and has brought increased recognition of the value of the Bible as a source of history.”-----William F. Albright (Ph.D., Litt.D., archaeologist, well-known scholar)
No other work from Graeco-Roman antiquity is so well attested by manuscript tradition as the New Testament. There are many more early manuscripts of the New Testament than there are of any classical author, and the oldest extensive remains of it date only about two centuries after their original composition.”
-----William F. Albright (author of over 1,000 publications on archaeological, biblical, and Oriental subjects)
Thanks to the Qumran discoveries, the New Testament proves to be in fact what it was formerly believed to be: the teaching of Christ and his immediate followers between cir. 25 and cir. 80 A.D.”-----William F. Albright (one of the world‘s foremost biblical scholars)
The Bible is supported by archaeological evidence again and again. On the whole, there can be no question that the results of excavation have increased the respect of scholars for the Bible as a collection of historical documents.”-----Millar Burrows (University of Yale archaeologist)
In addition to illuminating the Bible, archaeology has confirmed countless passages which have been rejected by critics as unhistorical or contradictory to known facts.”-----Joseph Free (Ph.D., professor of archaeology and history, Bemidji State College)
Some 5700 ancient copies of the New Testament are in existence today, with some portions estimated to be within 50 years of the original. This is far superior to any other ancient text, most of which have less than a dozen copies written at least 1000 years after the autographs.”
-----Ralph O. Muncaster (former Bible skeptic, professor at Vanguard University of Southern California)
“…in the Old Testament we have a true historical account of the history of the Israelite people.”-----Robert Dick Wilson (The man who mastered 45 languages and dialects! Outstanding authority on ancient languages of the Middle East.)
There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history.”-----Sir Isaac Newton
“I have carefully examined the evidences of the Christian religion, and if I were sitting as a juror upon its authenticity, I would unhesitatingly give my verdict in its favor.”
-----Alexander Hamilton
And that’s just scratching the surface! There are volumes and volumes written on these subjects (biblical historicity, biblical archaeology, and biblical reliability). I could not possibly lay out all the evidence here. Nor, am I qualified. Get the books referenced above and check out the facts for yourself!
You should research the Dead Sea Scrolls. This archaeological bonanza has helped to establish the reliability of the Old Testament as an accurate preservation of the original texts down through time! You could spend years and years studying this subject alone!
And archaeology will continue to confirm the Biblical record. There have been so many ancient documents unearthed that there are not enough qualified scholars to translate and study them all! The years ahead will be exciting times of discovery as more knowledge is brought to light to verify the Biblical record!
Honestly, most people’s doubts about Bible accuracy/reliability/historicity come from nothing more than ignorance about the facts of Biblical archaeology and the study of the transmission and preservation of the Biblical text. Investigate it!
I haven’t even touched on the historicity of Jesus! I will have to touch on this later if anyone is still interested. I have made this post so long as it is, and I am sure many will not read it all because of the length.
If I may just say that common sense tells us that Jesus existed. How could a myth have had so much impact on this world and its peoples? No serious scholar would deny that Jesus was a real, historical person. I can provide some evidence for this in another post if anyone is interested. But you can get all the information right now by buying Josh McDowell’s
The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict. This book thoroughly covers all the points of interest. If you really honestly want to investigate the historicity of the Bible and Jesus, then this book is an essential reference work! He goes into much detail on the bibliographic superiority of the Bible manuscripts over all other ancient documents as alluded to in quotes above.
WRITTEN WHILE LISTENING TO RUSKIN'S PRISONERS over and over and over again! ::