Viva Mexico Cabrones!


Infinite Dreamer
Today (technically the 16th in the VERY early morning) Marks the 196th anniversary of Mexico's Independance (September 16th 1810). A day when Hidalgo, a parish priest that didn't believe in the virgin birth and was sent to Dolores, Guanajuato as punishment for that and other "issues", rallied a peasant mob at the church and with a banner of the Virgin of Guadalupe led them to storm the grainary of Granaditas. And with that a 10 year long struggle for our independance began. the reason it lasted so long and it didn't last longer was because the Criollo elite (people born of Spanish parents in Mexico) realized that they were getting the shaft from the Spaniards and if they sided with the mestizos (people born of spanish and indian parents in Mexico) they could gain independance and stay in power.

This is reminecent of what Karl Marx said about the "petite bourgeoise". The bourgeoise of course are the elite or capitalists in power, however Marx said that the proletariate can't win the revolution unless they are helped by the petite bourgeoise, elites that don't have as much power and influence, but are elites nevertheless. Thus we have the bourgeoise being the Spanish, the petite bourgeoise being the Criollos and the proletariate being the mestizos and natives.

In other words the status quo was maintained because even though the criollos claimed to side with the mestizos and sure enough the conflict did end because of that, they remained in power and the poor were still being abused, only by a new class. Of course this didn't last to long because 100 years later in 1910 the revolution (civil war) exploded as once again the poor were pissed at the elites, for treating them like shit. But once again the new petite bourgeoise, the Mestizos, made sure they kept power after the conflict.

As some of you may know we had presidential elections on July second with Calderon, the candidate for PAN winning over Obrador, the candidate for the PRD party. Obrador was leading the polls up until the debate, he did not go the debate (rumor has it because his policies are bullshit, he knew it, was afraid to be found out at the debate and look like an idiot, so he decided to skip out on it) which cost him the presidency by .2%... He pulled an "Al Gore" and demanded a recount, the recount was made and he was still shown as the loser. He was so upset he organized a strike of massive proportions and rallied people in the streets and blocked major streets until a "fair" recount was made. Yet another recount was made and he promised to accept whatever decision the council made. Once again he was shown as the loser and he broke his promise and continued his strike.

Now, his nearly militant behavior is understandable. Let's take a small trip through history shall we? Lazaro Cardenas was president of Mexico from 1934-40 and he was responsible for nationalizing Mexico's oil, a HUGE move which the U.S didn't like very much (haha). He was a "good" president as far as Mexican presidents and their corrupt ways go. Of course he was from the PRI party and so was his son in the 80's, Cuautemoc Cardenas. Cardenas Jr. was positive that he would be picked as the PRI's presidential candidate in 1982, instead the nomination went to Miguel de la Madrid. Cardenas Jr. was so upset he left the party and formed the PRD with a big bulk of disatisfied PRI members. In other words teh PRD is made up of nothing but pissed off ex-PRI lol) Anyway, their big thing is that they supposedly side with "the people". they are the "leftist" party. The move worked, however. in the elections of 1988, Cardenas won the presidency, BUT the PRI which was still in power rigged the elections. They purposefully crashed the system and when they brought it back up it showed that Carlos Salinas had one.

Cardenas of course was upset but he didn't instigate a mob or a strike. He simply ran for president for the next two elections, but still lost. So having that as their history, Obrador thought he was getting the shaft by the governing party just like his predecessor. BUT Calderon won fair and square and this is after several recounts... no foul play.

Also this man thinks he is Hidalgo reborn and is rallying his "troops" in downtown Mexico claiming he cares about the poor and "the people" when he is in fact abusing and hurting "the people." His little army of ignorant schmucks are blocking one of the busiest streets in teh entire city hurting hundreds if not thousands of businesses both national and international (the U.S embassy is on that very street), which in turn hurts the national economy hurting the entire country. He prevented Fox from giving his State of the Union address in congress impeding the democratic process he claims to be defending. He CHARGES, people that barely have enough to eat to go strike with him... for the people? My ass!

Tomorrow (the 16th) is our Independance parade and this man has vowed to stand strong... there is going to be a parade no matter what, which is what is very scary. Independance in 1810, revolution in  1910... Is my beloved nation on it's way to a third struggle in 2010? I sure hope not. If it does will the people finaly be heard? Will the elites remain in power as always?
Happy Birthday Mexico!
How much does anyone want to bet that those Minutemen douchebags will be out in full force to protest the celerations of Mexicans in America?
I just found out that my Mexican room mate is inviting the entire Mexican population of Newfoundland (all 6 of them!) over to the apartment for a party tonight. I get free tequila, so I approve.
Ok onhell. As much I as normally agree with you and the fact that you seem a nice child, I have a couple of observations.

First, Hidalgo's rally (el grito de Dolores) was on Sept. 15th 1810. Nowadays we celebrate it on the 16th cause it was Porfirio Diaz Birthday.

Second, the glorious Independence War lasted 11 years. It ended on Sept 27 1821.

Third, There was only one recount of the elections and it was just 10% of the boletas -sorry I don´t know the word in English- and there is a reasonable doubt about who really won the elections.

Fourth, you forgot to stablish that México is the greatest country on the whole damned world!

Oh, and yes, we are having a new civil war on 2010 and I'll be there, with a kalashnikov in my hands... is for the best
My only complaint about your post is that Porfirio Diaz's B-day IS the 15th :D He was born Sept. 15th 1830. So... I was right. Other than that, I'll trust you since you are still living there and are more aware of our politics and yes of course I rounded the number of years the war lasted, but indeed they were 11 and not 10. B)