

Keeping an open eye on the Weeping Angels.
Before I start, I really can't abide this Big Brother business, but my wife loves it. So, when it's on, I'm out the room.

However, I caught a snippet of one of the contestants been asked a few general knowledge questions the other day. Apparently, this girl is educated to a PHD level so she must be able to have an educated guess at the odd question and, although it could be wrong, not make a complete arse of herself. So what did they ask her? Well, prepare to be amazed (and these are all genuine answers):

Question: What does the letter L in Roman numerals represent?

Now I would not expect everyone on this planet to know that, but I would expect some to have an educated guess. So as it is a single letter it must represent something like 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, etc. A quick look (even in your mind) at a lot of clock faces tells you it is not 1, 5 or 10. It is not 100 as that must be C (for century or centum), it can't be 1000 as that is M (for millennium). So have a guess, it could be 50! What was her answer?

"Eh, I don't know.....Laughing?"

Question: When did Man land on the moon?

OK, again - not everyone would know this (although it is a bit of a major date in the recent history of mankind). Have another educated guess, if you don't know. Let's see, they just about had jet engines in planes around the time of the Second World War. Things moved on from that time and air travel got more and more advanced. A passenger plane was flown in the late 60's/early 70's that broke the sound barrier - so the millitary etc. must have done this already. So, maybe in the 60's/70's sometime? What was her answer?

"Eh, 1905?"

Question: How many days in a leap year?

Easy, any should know that. 365 days in any year, we add one day in February during leap years (yes, there is an exception, but it won't occur in our lifetimes so we will omit for simplicity sakes) and so it must be 365 + 1. Her answer:

Maybe she is pretending to be stupid to make a career out of herself after Big Brother, a la Jade Goody.

I doubt it though.
Albie said:
this girl is educated to a PHD level

I know some like that. High education (so able to learn) and low intellingence (so unable to understand what they learn, or think beyond their field of specialisation).

Simple example: an ex-colleague of mine, a chemist educated at the PhD level, was not sure if the union of a black man with a white woman wouldn't produce children looking like Dalmatian dogs - white with black patches. She was also convinced that white women giving birth to black children had drunk too much coffee and/or smoked during their pregnancy. Of course, the fact that those women's husbands were black wasn't even considered...

Another one, a biologist was asking -- seriously! -- if a woman could get pregnant from eating pork testicles (known in France as 'white kidneys', a delicacy over there). That's probably the best one -- or the worst one -- I've heard so far, I think.

Stupidity reaches all walks of life, no matter the level of education. Never be impressed by someone who's got an MSc or a PhD, check the character first.

*sigh*  :rolleyes:
I think it's unfair to criticise somebody because of their intelligence however.  It makes us sound arrogant and no matter how smart you are, there is always going to be somebody who is smarter than you :)
And no matter how stupid you are, there's always going to be someone more stupid than you. Everyone is someone else's c*nt, eh?  :innocent:
I got one (also true) a woman educated to the PhD level thought Chile was a town in Mexico. How can she not know it is a COUNTRY? C'mon, I mean they are overseerers of our precious Easter Island
I don't think any of this is a case of criticising someones lack of intelligence, Conor, rather the shock that someone could not have a simple educated guess at a few questions or an understanding of given everyday scenarios. As an example the Roman numerals question - I mean the clue is in the question, it has to be a number - but "laughing"?

But as Mav said, people can be educated, and sometimes to a high level, but still be quite simple (hence the expression educated fool). After all, been educated does not mean the person is intelligent - and vice versa.
I remember when Big Brother was still new and magic, one of the- captives? inmates? test specimen? became a fairly big celebrity because of his... how should I put it... lovable stupidity? Basically, he did not know who Shakespeare was and thought he was an actor or director. There was a huge media hype about him and he even recorded an album. One line in one of the songs was "Who are Shakespeare or Goethe? I don't care about them".


-insert SMX quote here-
Edit by SMX: your wish is my command, Perun!
Adrian Smith is larger than Big Brother.

"Big Brother," "American Idol," and other so-called reality TV shows are the embodiment of the mindlessness Americans have embraced. Rather than question authority, think for themselves, and confront the horrendous economic, social, and political problems their great nation is facing, most Americans have chosen to insulate themselves with "feel-good" fluff.
I've never really been a fan of Big Brother, but the first couple of series did make interesting viewing because it was new and (dare I say it) exciting. It's become worse and worse the longer it has gone on though, because the shock-factor has disappeared, so in order to keep the public watching they've picked housemates who are either just plain stupid or others who will make trouble, and the producers now deliberately stir things up in the house and set housemates against each other.

The current series on UK TV seems to be the worst one yet. Determined though I am not to watch any of it, it seems to have been going for what seems like months and months, appears to have an endless supply of dopey housemates, and occupies about half the channels on my TV package, day and night.
Duke, I believe Big Brother was originally a British show that eventually made it's way across the Pond (there is even a Mexican version...*sigh*) What amazes me is the following... in Being a British show the name of the show and it's logo (at least in mexico it was an eye inside the lense of a video camera) are to me ironic having read 1984, some Brit executives are having a big laugh. I don't doubt that was their inspiration.
What amazes me even more is that people embrace it BECAUSE it is mindless. There are several intelligent/knowledgable/educated people I know that LOVE this reality crap because it is a break from their regular thinking patterns. I don't get it because why would one want to take a break from that? and if they want to take a break, why don't they just listen to music (rap is mindless right? and so is 80's hair metal...) or read a book? Or if they REALLY want to watch tv why not watch the History channel (some of their programing is quite mindless *caugh* ufo shows *cough*) Discovery.... comedy central?
Onhell said:
Duke, I believe Big Brother was originally a British show that eventually made it's way across the Pond
The concept of the show was devised by some Brits but they could not get any TV company remotely interested in it. That show was eventually snapped up an went by the name of "Survivor" and only came in to being because Big Brother was starting to become a big show across Europe - but the actual Big Brother show as we know it, came from the Dutch. American Idol is the Brits fault though. And I do believe you will soon be getting an American version of "The X Factor" - another Simon Cowell vehicle. On behalf of the rest of the UK, sorry.

Onhell said:
What amazes me is the following... in Being a British show the name of the show and it's logo (at least in mexico it was an eye inside the lense of a video camera) are to me ironic having read 1984, some Brit executives are having a big laugh. I don't doubt that was their inspiration.
A little bit of trivia, on the very first Big Brother show in the UK, my brother-in-law (a cameraman) took the picture of the eye of one of the first contestants (Mel, I believe her name was) and that was used as the logo for the show. The logo has since been updated many times since. He also did a lot of the camera work when they were been interviewed before the show started.
Sadly Onhell, Comedy Central has among the most informative programming out there thanks to Stewart and Colbert.
Seldom have I been this blunt: Big Brother and all the talent shows and reality shows are crap.

Why rant when some things can be said short and simple, eh?  ;)