Porn is good for you!
At least, this is what this paper says:
Kilgallon, S.J. & Simmons, L.W. (2005). Image content influences men's semen quality. Biology Letters, 1(3), 253–255. (Link to article)
In most animal species, females are known to be fairly promiscuitous and do not hesitate to mate with several males in order to reproduce and pass on their genes. At least they're sure that those are their genes! Evolutionary-speaking, males had therefore to adapt to this behaviour and become more competitive when they become aware that their own genes may have problems to be passed down the line, and that some bastard may get there first.
This has been documented in many non-human animal species, but good old Homo sapiens had not been investigated... until some Australian evolutionary biologists decided to roll up their sleeves and take a closer look at this (un)interesting phenomenon.
The paper, published last year, examined the quantity (volume) and quality (density and motility of sperm cells) of ejaculates of male humans when submitted to various visual stimuli -- i.e., different kinds of porn! Yes, that's no joke!
I'll spare you the details and experimental protocols, but the conclusion was fairly clear: porn improves the fertility of men. When confronted to images showing a certain 'mating competition' (get my drift?), the human male adapts his production of reproductive cells accordingly. Other factors have been shown to improve the quality, like a moderate consumption of coffee, whereas others have a deleterious effect, like carrying a mobile phone on your belt.
Many among you will think that this is yet another piece of useless information and that science should deal with more serious topics. And you may very well be right. But think about this: next time your missus catches you surfing porn with a cup of coffee next to the comp (and finds your mobile in the bin), you'll have a perfectly valid and scientifically-proven excuse!
"No, love. I'm not surfing porn. I'm improving my potential for fertility!"
At least, this is what this paper says:
Kilgallon, S.J. & Simmons, L.W. (2005). Image content influences men's semen quality. Biology Letters, 1(3), 253–255. (Link to article)
In most animal species, females are known to be fairly promiscuitous and do not hesitate to mate with several males in order to reproduce and pass on their genes. At least they're sure that those are their genes! Evolutionary-speaking, males had therefore to adapt to this behaviour and become more competitive when they become aware that their own genes may have problems to be passed down the line, and that some bastard may get there first.
This has been documented in many non-human animal species, but good old Homo sapiens had not been investigated... until some Australian evolutionary biologists decided to roll up their sleeves and take a closer look at this (un)interesting phenomenon.
The paper, published last year, examined the quantity (volume) and quality (density and motility of sperm cells) of ejaculates of male humans when submitted to various visual stimuli -- i.e., different kinds of porn! Yes, that's no joke!
I'll spare you the details and experimental protocols, but the conclusion was fairly clear: porn improves the fertility of men. When confronted to images showing a certain 'mating competition' (get my drift?), the human male adapts his production of reproductive cells accordingly. Other factors have been shown to improve the quality, like a moderate consumption of coffee, whereas others have a deleterious effect, like carrying a mobile phone on your belt.
Many among you will think that this is yet another piece of useless information and that science should deal with more serious topics. And you may very well be right. But think about this: next time your missus catches you surfing porn with a cup of coffee next to the comp (and finds your mobile in the bin), you'll have a perfectly valid and scientifically-proven excuse!
"No, love. I'm not surfing porn. I'm improving my potential for fertility!"