The ultimate metal pool

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Who's better?

  • Iron Maiden

    Votes: 21 100.0%
  • Metallica

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Zare said:
This is going to be fun fun fun  :D

Do you think anybody on here (if they for some bizarre reason prefer Metallica, who only produced 3 really great albums) will dare to express that opinion?  :p Being burnt at the stake is not a very tempting future, is it?

Methinks this one might be on its way to the Holy Hamster before you can say St. Anger.
C'mon SMX, it's a pure joke. I was browsing the net, and i don't know how, i got to the archived poll topic of Maiden vs Metallica, on Metallica's fan-forum.
Here's what is not a joke though.  Metallica is coming out with a new album in September.  Now, I've not been their biggest fan as of late, to put it mildly, but I'm confident that they still have what it takes to make a great album.  Here's to hope.  On the other hand, if they do not succeed to please the fans, they could be done for.
OK, I know its just for fun.  But what the hell, right?  Tho, I'm sure most of you are like me, and there are some days where its just a 'Metallica' day.
I'm like that, Wasted. Sometimes Metallica can give me a real kcik - after all, they do have many great songs. Most of them from their second, third and fourth album, but the rest (I don't know about St. Anger, haven't heard all the songs on there but don't like those I've heard). But Maiden produced seven classic albums in just eight years from 1980 to 1988, so the choice is easy.
Genghis Khan said:
Here's to hope.

I lost hope around the age of six (1996).  Not that I even knew about Metallica then, but it's when I would have lost hope.  Bands make comebacks, yes, but sixteen years is a long time to go without making good music, compared to the 15 years that they were making good music.  I definitely will not rush out to buy the new album when it comes out.  I'll give it a very fair chance, but by download.  Only if it really is good will I buy it.

I have a feeling this new album will sell like crazy, go to no. 1 in whole Europe, as well as reaching Top 10 (at least) in the States.  It's been so long in production and is so hyped.  Not like Metallica need more album sales... <_<
Invader said:
I'll give it a very fair chance, but by download.  Only if it really is good will I buy it.

*beginning of little rant*
In my opinion some albums (for dedicated Maidenfans that goes especially for all Maiden albums!) can only given a fair chance:
-by owning the CD
-by playing it on a stereo or with headphones
-by playing it more than once
-by getting into the right mood for the album with help of lyrics and booklet, photos, artwork, etc.
-by playing it more than twice
-by taking time for it and not by letting it drown in tons of other MP3s on computers or mp3-players, doing dozens of other things at the same.
-by playing it more and more and more
*end of little rant*

The new Metallica is a different case of course, unless it's one of your favourite bands.
Nostradamus would be an album that I would listen to like you said, and I did buy it before downloading.  However, Metallica is not such a band for me; though I absolutely love their first four albums and even the Black Album is not bad, I can't really call myself a Metallica "fan" because I have near zero respect for the band itself (I'd rather not go into this now though).  Of course I will listen to it many times - I always do so with new albums, even in MP3 form.  However, I will not just "live up to the hype" and go buy it the day it comes out.  I am not that excited about it.

If the album is good, maybe I'll give Load and Reload one more chance.  I would love to see Metallica doing something worthwhile again since other major 80s thrash metal bands have "resurfaced" (I'm thinking Megadeth and Slayer here) with their latest albums.  I would like to believe Metallica could pull off the same. 
To be frank, my post was mostly about Maiden albums (and the "fair" chances they can get).
It may sound critical to some who (still!) don't own all the albums, but that's really how I see it.
I'm all for giving albums a chance, but for me it mostly suffices for me to be in the correct concentrated listening mood. Then I will make a swift judgement whether to trash it or keep it. If I keep it then there's two choices. Either I listen to it again in the near future (because it had a very favorable first impression), or I shelf it for later. Which is what happened to an album of Queensryches greatest hits that I'm re-discovering right now and am quite pleasantly surprised with. Oh, and I go for Iron Maiden. But that's because I've heard all of Iron Maiden's songs, whereas I only know a few from Metallica and I'm not so fond of the thrash metal style.
There are very few bands who I listen to as intently as Forostar describes, simply because I love listening to a lot of different music rather than focusing on one album for a long time.

But, in addition to Iron Maiden, Metallica is one of those bands for me. I've bought all their CDs, and listened to them all (even St. Anger) many times with great attention. And I will do the same with the next.

And for those with no hope for the next Metallica album, you should have a great deal of hope. They have reportedly gone back to making music in the style of their 80s albums, largely at the insistence of Rick Rubin. I read a quote from Lars recently, to the effect of: "Whenever we don't know what to do next, Rick tells us to ask ourselves: 'What we would have done here in 1985?' ". And if they're really thinking that way, that's a great sign.
SinisterMinisterX said:
And for those with no hope for the next Metallica album, you should have a great deal of hope. They have reportedly gone back to making music in the style of their 80s albums, largely at the insistence of Rick Rubin. I read a quote from Lars recently, to the effect of: "Whenever we don't know what to do next, Rick tells us to ask ourselves: 'What we would have done here in 1985?' ". And if they're really thinking that way, that's a great sign.

Which is exactly why I am so sceptical about this album.  To me, it seems like Metallica realised that they failed with St. Anger completely and alienated a lot of fans with Load/Reload, and now they're just using the reputation of those 80s albums to get this one more hyped (and thus increase album sales).  I'm sure this album will sell well even if it's as bad as St. Anger, simply because it's long been in production and is SAID to be "the missing link between ...And Justice and the Black Album."  And that's exactly why I'm not going to rush out and buy it.  Perhaps I'm a bit too cynical about Metallica's good intentions, but I find it hard not to be. 

As I said, I will give it a good many listens and if it is any good then I will buy it.  I won't be so cynical as to not even give it a chance.  In fact, I am almost desperate for it to be good.  Metallica's 80s stuff is some of my favourite music of all time, but I've overlistened to it quite a lot.  I would really like something fresh from Metallica that is also good music for a change.

Fun fact of the day: I actually don't own any Metallica albums besides the Black Album (which was a gift).  I've been meaning to buy them for years already, but have never gotten down to it because there has always been something else to buy.  And Metallica albums are filthy expensive almost everywhere.  I'll get them eventually.
Invader said:
Fun fact of the day: I actually don't own any Metallica albums besides the Black Album

You are Lars Ulrich's worst nightmare -- a fan who doesn't pay for their music. 
Forostar said:
*beginning of little rant*
In my opinion some albums (for dedicated Maidenfans that goes especially for all Maiden albums!) can only given a fair chance:
-by owning the CD
-by playing it on a stereo or with headphones
-by playing it more than once
-by getting into the right mood for the album with help of lyrics and booklet, photos, artwork, etc.
-by playing it more than twice
-by taking time for it and not by letting it drown in tons of other MP3s on computers or mp3-players, doing dozens of other things at the same.
-by playing it more and more and more
*end of little rant*

Forostar, you've hit the nail on the head.  This is true for all albums, regardless of the band.  When I was younger, I had more time to devote to listening to music like you delineated and less CDs to choose from.  The older I get, the less time I have to dedicate to just music without all the other extraneous stuff.  That's why some of our favourite Maiden CDs are the ones "we grew up with". 

As far as Metallica goes, I'll give the new album a fair chance and hope some of the songs match the splendour of their first four albums. 

I've been a Metallica fan longer than a Maiden fan, yet I'd rate Maiden as a better band simply by the sheer amount of great albums they've released.  Since the pre-release of (the song) Until It Sleeps, Metallica has consistently let me down with some rare exceptions, most of which are covers.
NigelTufnel said:
Is it possible for Metallica to unsell themselves?

This one cracked me up for some reason.  Priceless.  As to your question, I really really hope that they can do it, but I'm not considering it very likely. 
To me the question is not about selling out, but rather whether or not I like the music.  Their thrash albums are all classics.  The Black album impressed me a lot when I first started listening to Metallica, but has since faded in relevance.  The only other CD of their that I like is the 'Garage Days' with great covers like 'Wiskey in the Jar'.  'King Nothing', which sounds like a basic rock song to me, is one of the few 'Load' songs that I like.