The haunted

Eddie's Lil Helper

Ancient Mariner
"All Against All" is the first video off THE HAUNTED's fourth album, "rEVOLVEr", due in Europe on October 19 through Century Media Records (one day earlier internationally). The follow-up to 2003's "One Kill Wonder" was recorded at Gothenburg's famed Studio Fredman (IN FLAMES, DIMMU BORGIR, ARCH ENEMY) with co-producers Patrik J. Sten and Fredrik Nordström and mixed at Denmark's Antfarm Studio by Tue Madsen. The album will be released as jewel-case CD and limited edition digipak (each with a different cover), featuring two special bonus tracks, Fire Alive" and "Smut King". Check out streaming Real Media versions of the tracks "No Compromise", "99", "All Against All", "Sweet Relief" and "My Shadow" [a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\']Here[/a]