The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 82-87

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Riot - Outlaw
And the cover of this one is one of the best, if not THE best album cover of all time.
Wow! Their covers have never been strong imo. Even for their best album from 1988, Thundersteel. Great pre-Painkiller heavy/speed/power metal.
Wow! Their covers have never been strong imo. Even for their best album from 1988, Thundersteel. Great pre-Painkiller heavy/speed/power metal.

I was just having a laugh there, it's one of those covers that it's so shit it's great
Man, I just can't take Manowar seriously. I guess this was a fine enough song, and I'm not familiar enough with their catalogue to know whether this song is the progenitor of some sounds I've heard elsewhere, or if it's just constantly using the same three riffs over and over. Riot was fine, inoffensive, on the glammy end of power.

Even when I was an angsty teen, Disturbed never really worked for me. Bodies is a classic for a reason, even if it's not a great song. Nostalgia vote for sure for Drowning Pool.

I found myself really enjoying Annihilation of the Wicked, in spite of the obstacles the band puts in their music to try to decrease my enjoyment. The Death song was okay. Death has some great riff work that overcomes a lot of the vocal crud in their earlier work, this isn't that great. Nile.

That Candlemass song is a fuckin' monster.

Neither Pantera nor Slayer impressed here. I guess I'll go with Pantera because it sounded more like a finished song.

I don't dislike Van Halen as much as others. It's on the glammy end of hard rock, but Eddie could fuckin' wail, man. Still, Deep Purple wins for me. A lot of stuff Blackmore would explore later in Rainbow is more interesting than wanting to fuck your teacher, I guess.
Give their second album, Nightfall, a spin while you're at it - the replaced the original vocalist with Messiah Marcolin for this one, who many regard as the "ultimate" Candlemass singer. Musically, I think the album is just as strong as their debut.
And if you want to check out what they sounded like when fronted by Robert Lowe, the singer from Solitude Aeturnus, I'll recommend King of the Grey Islands.
Yes, Nightfall truly rules. Sorcerers Pledge, from the debut, almost made my list, and it has one of my favorite riffs ever. Hell I'll take a stance and say it's one of the greatest riffs of all time.
Round 157 - Riot
I expected a typical Manowar song. I didn't get the typical Manowar song, but it sounds so bad, I guess it had to be earlier albums. Still, pretty mediocre was fun enough for me to vote for it.

Round 158 - Drowing Pool
I know the bit from the song, but I never heard it in full. I can see the appeal if you're in your teens, but even when I don't care about the lyrics, this one is pretty IQ-lowering. Disturbed is the band I should like, but it never clicked with me. Moreso, I don't know if any of my friends who listen to metal could name one song of theirs. I guess some things that come over the pond just don't stick with Europeans: baseball, Starbucks, Disturbed, Godsmack

Round 159 - Death
There is a bit in each of these two songs that I really liked, but that's just a bit, and the rest of it felt like a chore. I don't know what's with me this round, but I've heard all twelve songs twice, and each song just seemed too long for its own good. And it's the same here, so I guess I voted for Death because it's shorter.

Round 160 - Solitude Aeternus
I might misremember, but I think Candlemass was one of the bands from the first rounds of GMAC. I always wanted to check on them later, but I didn't. I went to their webpage now, scrolled a little, and ended up in webshop. A band named Candlemass doesn't sell candles with their logo. Rod would be appalled. Solitude Aeternus started well, but I always expected to take it a notch up, especially after that 6-minute mark scream. On the second listen, I approached it as a slow burner, and it sat much better.

Round 161 - Pantera
I can't remember when was the last time I listened to Hell Awaits but now I remember why. That production is horrible. And RNG would have it, of all the Slayer songs, in a round that already feels too long, I got a six-minute one. 5 Minutes Alone isn't a Pantera song I would go to, but I probably wouldn't skip it if it came on shuffle.

Round 162 - Van Halen
Stormbringer has riff riffing so hard that most of today's riffs wish they could riff like that. Also, great atmosphere that checks all the boxes I like about Deep Purple, and when I heard the song for the first time, I had that chorus stuck in my head for days. But Van Halen is taking such a beating in this tournament that I have to vote for it. For Eddie.

Van Halen do have way more energy though. But fuck David Lee Roth, he's really starting to get on my goddamn - OH MY GOOOODDDD - nerves. *guitar solo*
Most people probably only read this.
I heard it.
The mighty power of Thor fails to protect Manowar, who fall to Riot's illegal actions. Disturbed is stricken and their bodies have hit the floor after losing to Drowning Pool. It's the annihilation of nile as Death has successfully imagined their own victory in the third matchup. The scent of death was just a sign of the demon's gate, as Candlemass wins their matchup. You need more than 5 minutes alone for a proper sleep, which Slayer helps Pantera find at dawn. And finally, Van Halen might have an inappropriate classroom erection, but the true storm being brought is that by Deep Purple.

Part I, Round 28, Matches 163-168

Play In Round
Match 163
Dave Murray Division​
Devin Townsend - Earth Day
Nevermore - Seed Awakening​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 164
Dave Murray Division​
Nocte Obducta - Un Pan Spielt die Flote (Desihras Tagebuch - Kapitel 2)
Satyricon - Hvite Krists Dod​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 165
Dave Murray Division​
Cream - Sunshine of Your Love
KISS - Shout It Out Loud​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 166
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg Division​
Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight
Ozzy Osbourne - Suicide Solution​
Best Music Art 100
Popoff 500​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 167
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg Division​
L7 - Pretend We're Dead
Stone Temple Pilots - Sex Type Thing​
Radio EHS 100
Popoff 500​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Play In Round
Match 168
The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg Division​
Sweet & Lynch - Me Without You
Aerosmith - Back in the Saddle​
Popoff 500​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
Let me just say re: my nominee this round, I have no illusions that a power ballad will win the GMSC, as some crushing uptempo track or massive epic is much more likely to go the distance — but the power ballad is still a critical piece of the metal puzzle and deserves representation here.

I was torn between nominating either Scorpions’ “Still Loving You” or Sweet & Lynch’s “Me Without You”, and I opted for the latter because I figured the Scorpions track would find its way into the game anyway (and it did).

What stood out to me about “Me Without You” was the striking gentleness of the song. Michael Sweet normally sings everything at 11, so to hear him holding back this much was disarming. The textured clean guitar work from Lynch is absolutely gorgeous, as are the vocal melodies and harmonies, and the solo provides a great climax. It’s a pretty much perfect little ballad that leaves a strong impression and doesn’t overstay its welcome. You can hear some echoes of Lynch’s “Tierra Del Fuego” in there, too. Great stuff.
Really cool and emotional ballad, @Jer :ok:

KISS's Shout It Out Loud has one of the band's best verses. The vocal delivery. The chorus is fun. It should be an easy win.
Seed Awakening is my turn it up to 11 song - those layered guitars are so thicc. The prechorus with the tremolo effects provides contrast and turns the chorus into a true bleak anthem. I love Earth Day and won't mind if it won much, Devin is too scarce in this game.

Nocte Obducta

The first half of Sunshine of Your Love's riff is identical to my school's bell and I have heard it enough thank you. KISS

Spinal Tap sucks. I let a friend convince me to watch it with him and it was the most unfunny thing. Yes I'm aware I inadvertently used a ST reference earlier in this reply. Well, the bridge sucks, but the rest of the song I enjoyed more than Suicide Solution, probably because I was busy verbally bitching instead of listening. Great, the elevator music is done just as I finished bitching. Stone Temple Pilots is cool. Oh right, I'm voting for Ozzy.

Wow, that's a superb power ballad. Aerosmith's is great too but not enough. Me Without You
Battle #1:
Devin Townsend is a very confusing guy. He often has amazing music that is knocked down a few notches for bizarre and/or out-of-place lyrics or vocals. This is one of those occasions, a song in which the music is a sprawling landscape of grooves (some reminded me of Tool) with yelled lyrics about... recycling? It's just so cheesy, and not in a good way. However, the Nevermore track was overly mechanical with nothing even remotely memorable. The music of Earth Day carries it through to greener pastures (lol I did a LooseCannon). I also met Devin once in 2004 when he was opening up for Symphony X and he was a very cool and down-to-earth guy (not that it had any effect on my vote).

Battle #2:
Ooof, this was a rough one. Twenty-plus minutes of this in one go was difficult, but the music in Un Pan Spielt die Flote (Desihras Tagebuch - Kapitel 2) takes the cake here. The "vocals" are also better, I guess? Also I got a big laugh out of Hvite Krists Dod having been "remastered 2021" and still sounding like complete shit. I'll definitely be adding these two tracks to my party playlist.

Battle #3:
Cream by default. I've heard the opening riff of Sunshine of Your Love countless times but I never knew who played it. Cream is not metal, but I despise Kiss. I would rather listen to a straight week of forest-dwelling pot-banging face paint-wearing gremlin music (see above) than sit through even one Kiss album.

Battle #4:
I love Spinal Tap. It's a classic movie with that special type of humor that I adore. This is far from my favorite Spinal Tap rocker, as I greatly prefer Sex Farm, Big Bottom, Stonehenge, (Listen to the) Flower People, and the one where the bassist gets stuck in the pod. However, I've never cared for Ozzy's voice. That includes the old Sabbath stuff, too, which everyone seems to worship. This song has a cool groove but since it comes packaged with Ozzy's whiny vocals it's a deal breaker for me. Spinal Tap by a country mile.

Battle #5:
What the hell is L7? I don't like this. Up against a dirty and groovy STP song it stands no chance.

Battle #6:
I consider Aerosmith to be one of the better classic rock bands, but this song is pretty mid-tier for them and does nothing that I haven't heard before. Me Without You has excellent guitar (duh) and bass work, and is simply a more enjoyable listen for me.
I just don’t get Devin. He and I exist on radically different wavelengths. And yet, his wacky circus music is still a better song than Nevermore’s here.

Nocte Obducta have a bloated black/death metal epic that is fine. Kinda sounds like Teutonic Opeth. Way too long, but solid for what it is. Satyricon’s combo of noise and bedroom synth is actively offputting.

Neither Sunshine of Your Love or Shout It Out Loud is metal, but the former has that riff and a more sinister tonality (despite the lyrics). I shall continue my anti-KISS campaign.

Ozzy simply can’t compete with Spinal Tap. They go to 11.

Two non-metal matches in one round! Yay! STP have the far better song and are more metallic than whatever alt-pop schtick L7 is doing.

Me Without You is a decent power ballad with good performances and a great solo. Good production, too. Back in The Saddle is another iconic Aerosmith song that is severely hampered by production. The intro is ominous and the song literally explodes…except the guitars are so buried it feels more like a wet fart. Still, it’s a classic tune that is ultimately more memorable than its ballad competition here.
Also, I knew the Perun v. Magnus heavyweight bout was going to be just that, but I didn’t expect it to be this good. I’m only 5 odd minutes into Perun’s song and I am very pleased. Evokes shades of Darkthrone and Windir, and a particular sound that I can’t draw comparisons to. Very colorful and complex.
1. Neither is my thing, and both have some nice parts, Earth Day is more interesting.
2. Sorry Per. Plus there's three typos by LC in your song's title vs. one in mine so mine wins anyway.
3. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida-Fadda-For-Da-Winna
4. Spinal Tap of course.
5. L7 sucks so much I'd vote for practically anything else.
6. Too Sweet & Sadly Not Yet Lynched, I'm not voting for Aerosmith nevertheless.