Talking about Next Gen


Okay, so it's been a year since Xbox360(which i nicknamed X-Bob), and now PS3 and Wii are here.
From all next gen consoles,stemming from reviews and critical reaction, what are you most likely to get for your own gaming rig?
Personally I'd like a PS3, since many of my favorite games (Devil May Cry, Medal Of Honor too name a few) are coming out, plus promising things like
Resistance: Fall Of Man. Though I won't get it now, considering a $499 price tag, maybe waiting for a year to make the price more accomodating.
Anyone else's thoughts?
I play all my games on my PC, although through the years I have had a NES, Gameboy, GBA, Gamecube and various other systems, as you can probably tell I was and still am a Nintendo fan. After playing PC games for the past year and a half or so, I find it impossible to play on an analogue controller, its just too unruly and inaccurate. I tried playing Halo 2 in one of my friends' house, and despite being a terrible game, it is worse to control.

Recently I've been thinking about getting a DS as there seems to be a lot of very good games for it and it is quite an innovative piece. I haven't really looked into the Wii, but the PS3 looks quite impressive, although I don't think I'll be investing in one. The Xbox 360 is a crap console in my opinion and I'd be more inclined to buy anything rather than one of those.
I've got a wii this morning and I must say it's awesome. Played a bit of rayman and wiisports with my brother this morning and we had blast. Also did a big 5 minutes on Zelda but I stopped because my brother wanted to play too.

As for the other consoles, I'm not really interested.
Ah yes. Relaxing Mine Sweeper. Well, nothings wrong with PC nor older systems :)

Just a matter of opinion on next gen stuff. Nothing quiet beats the pc though.
IronDuke said:
I play Mine Sweeper
What're your best times?
Mine are:
21 (5 on my old computer)

As for "next generation" consoles, I'd have to say that I will stand well clear from them.  My friend has an XBOX 360 and occasionally I play Halo 2, Fifa, Perfect Dark and stuff but I find the games really boring.  They are too complicated and the gameplay is awful.  I think the game companies just focus in on graphics and "great new features" and neglect the actual playing of the game.  Some of the simplest games are the best.
I have to say as far as price tags go and games I'm willing to look into I'd have to go with the 360. i completely disagree with those who say it is a terrible system, at 500 bucks (the one worth getting it does the same if not more than the PS3 at 600 U.S dollars. Even though the Wii is only 250 it suffers from what every single Nintendo console has suffered since the SNES... the games. Nintendo just never grew up, all their games seem to be aimed at 8-12 year-olds. Playstation games are ok, but nothing to scream about. I LOVE Halo, great game, great story, etc, Gears of War freakin' rocks with the exception of the third person point of view (playing co-op is a bit of a pain because of it). I've said it in other threads and I'll say it here, Halo 3... will be... the shit. The 360 has been in the market the longest, the games released for it will be more refined than for the Wii or PS3, by the time that happens for these other systems Microsoft might have upgrades or a new console ready to launch.