Stolen Eddie torso incident during the World Slavery Tour... wtf??

Dick Brucinson

Bruce Dolci
Yet I believed to know pretty much everything about Maiden since I became maidenized around 1985/86 already, however, I suppose I was wrong. :blink:

Today I read in some Facebook Maiden fan group the following story that I never heard of, and I am wondering if some of you folks out there know a bit more about:

During the World Slavery Tour the original torso of the big mummy Eddie allegedly was stolen. It got replaced by a new torso that was built by the road crew. They used towels to build it up and various other stuff.

A few people confirmed this story to be true (and I tend to believe them). I don't know where exactly this happened and I have no idea about any further circumstances.


IF this is true, it's a really interesting story. And in case it's true we should be able to spot two different Eddie torsos by comparing different live pictures made in 1984/85 as it is impossible to recreate the torso 1:1 identically.

Any further details anybody?? :notworthy: