Stem Cell Research Cures Blindness...

Genghis Khan

Ancient Mariner
... in mice.  Gotcha. 

OK.  Now it is time to be serious.  I have just heard on the news about this recent scientific development and dug up the article on-line.  UK scientists have taken "cells from three to five-day-old mice, a stage when the retina is about to be formed" and later after mice maturity re-introduced the cells into the mice.  The visual problems the mice inherited, similar to human eye conditions at birth, were corrected allowing the mice to see.  One of the researchers said "I don't want to give patients false hope. But at least now, if I see a young patient, I can say that there might be something within your lifetime."

Great news. 

I bring this to attention not to start any stem cell research controversy, but to praise the scientific progress.  As a man with a slightly myopic vision, I need glasses for long distance vision.  I may not see optometry progress to cures for all eye ailments in my lifetime, but wouldn't it be nice?  Imagine witnessing a loved one who never experienced the sight of your or his/her face, experiencing this for the first time!

Here is a full article from BBC News.
Scientists recently found a way to take skin cells and make them regress back to stem cells. I do not remember where I read it but I consider it such big news it will no doubt be found somewhere online. Because of this discovery stem cell research should no longer bother Bush supporters who care more about the potential human life of a stem cell than the 40.000 Iraqis that have been killed in the war they support. Oops... did I let that slip?