Songs You Regret Not Hearing Live

Genghis Khan

Ancient Mariner
This thread is fairly simple.  Are there any Iron Maiden songs you wish you have heard live, but for whatever reason the opportunity slipped away?  Name up to five songs that you regret not hearing live.  Feel free to include songs that Iron Maiden never played live if you feel so inclined.  If possible please include your reasons for choosing these songs.

WARNING: In case you happen to post something that would reveal the set list of the upcoming tour, be kind and use spoiler tags.  ;)

1. Brave New World -- This song was cut from the Toronto show during the Give Me Ed... Til I'm Dead Tour because the band was sharing the stage with Dio and Motorhead. 

2. Bring Your Daughter... To the Slaughter -- Same as above.

3. 22 Acacia Avenue -- Same as above.  I screamed for Maiden to play this song during their History Tour, when Bruce asked the fans what they wanted to hear.

4. Paschendale -- This is my favourite song so it is an obvious choice.  I wish I attended the Dance of Death Tour.  Missing this tour is my biggest regret.

5. Dance of Death -- For a long time this was my #2 song from the album though today Rainmaker rivals it.  It would have been nice to hear the chorus and the instrumental parts live.
so if I understood well, the question is : songs that we virtually had the opportunity to see live and we didn't -a concert in our town that we missed etc etc

in that case songs like "strange world" -played -but at a time I wasn't fan are exclured
DoD 3 diamonds :

1. Dance of Death -a song that I definitely like -less than the first time though
2. Paschendale -I recognise it now, as the biggest reunion song
3. Journeyman -allways  liked and then and now !
I missed Toulouse gig -the day of the concert I was leaving town FUCK  :mad:
....I shouldn't have leave at all !!

4 The Clansman -what I keep from Virtual XI, a great song, one of Bayley's finest
...I didn't went to the concert; I was pissed off with the album ...until now I still don't regret for the concert, but for the song ....I regret a little bit
#5 -I give my beloved 5th to Stranger in a strange land 
one of the finest Maiden songs, and probably the longest one man solo in Maiden discography,
over one minute long !! and for the truth's sake


I didn't go to the reunion tour, consiously again because I wanted to hear some new material first...
I regret a lot not to have seen the ed-hunter tour now  :( :(
it was a fucking awesome set list ....hopefully some of the missing I'll hear them this summer, so that's why they weren't among the 5
If it means that I can mention songs which were played since I am into the band, then I refer to a post of mine in this topic --> -->

I have seen all Maiden concerts in the Netherlands since the Fear of the Dark tour apart from the 1993 and 1996 ones. Translating this into songs, I missed Transylvania, which was performed in the 1993 tour.

I choose this song because it's the only one. It's one of my favourites of the first album and I know it since the first day of getting hooked to Iron Maiden.

The following I don't quite understand:
"Feel free to include songs that Iron Maiden never played live if you feel so inclined."

If Maiden never played some songs I wanted to hear, then I never could have had the opportunity to hear them, so I could also not have missed the opportunity, neither can I regret it. If I should understand the topic in a different way, please explain! :)
For me, two immediately spring to mind - the brilliant Dance of Death and Blood Brothers. I missed out on both the Brave new World and Dance of Death tours and would have loved to have seen these two done on stage - particularly the theatrics of Bruce during Dance of Death. However, The Clansman is one I would have loved to see done by either Bruce or Blaze - but alas, I never got to see it.

As for Stranger in a Strange Land, this would have been interesting - if only to see how they ended it. :D
Albie said:
However, The Clansman is one I would have loved to see done by either Bruce or Blaze - but alas, I never got to see it.

damn !! I've seen it in fact !! in the Brave New World tour !!

so my list will be :

1. Dance of Death 
2. Paschendale
3. Journeyman
--->but I'll see it pretty soon  ;)
5. stranger in a stranger land
I missed out on the Di'anno years, 1979-1981 and everything from Fear of The Dark to Dance of Death.  So I regret a lot.  Here are my choices......

1. PASCHENDALE-This is my favorite song and I missed the chance to see "Death On The Road" tour.  I only dream about hearing it live. :(

2. CHARLOTTE THE HARLOT-I want to hear and see it live with paul on vocals...but that is NEVER going to happen is it?

3. TRANSYLVANIA-This is a great instrumental and I love it!

4. COMO ESTAIS AMIGOS-This song to me is quite sad and powerfull.  If I ever had the chance I would love to hear Blaze sing it.  Great song and album.

5. BLOOD BROTHERS-I missed the "Brave New World" tour but I would love to hear this live one day?  I connect with this song because I to lost someone I loved dearly.
Forostar said:
The following I don't quite understand:
"Feel free to include songs that Iron Maiden never played live if you feel so inclined."

If Maiden never played some songs I wanted to hear, then I never could have had the opportunity to hear them, so I could also not have missed the opportunity, neither can I regret it. If I should understand the topic in a different way, please explain! :)

All I meant by that is that if you wished to see hear a Fear of the Dark song, for example, that they NEVER played live, you might have regrets.

____no5 said:
damn !! I've seen it in fact !! in the Brave New World tour !!

so my list will be :

1. Dance of Death 
2. Paschendale
3. Journeyman
4. rime

5. stranger in a stranger land

Spoilers please.
Is there a doubt that *that song* will be played on this upcoming tour?  Can we spoiler guesses?
LooseCannon said:
Is there a doubt that *that song* will be played on this upcoming tour?  Can we spoiler guesses?

there is no doubt that *that song* will be played, that's why I didn't spoiled from the first time...
but well, I respect Genghis'request  :)
Well, I've only seen the boys twice, and it was the BNW tour and DOD tour. However, I didn't exactly know any songs from those tours...I wasn't following the band like I am now.

With this tour coming up, I know I'll hear some true goodies, no need to mention them. But...I'll put in a few songs I'd LOVE to hear, but probably won't...for those of you who know me on here, you probably know what I'm gonna post, hehe

1. Flash Of the Blade: the guitars BLOW ME AWAY! Plus, in that Martin Popoff interview I read, H said he did all the guitar work the overdubbing and layering and stuff...? SMX, you would know, I assume. :D

2. Caught Somewhere In Time: Phenominal opener!! H has a 44 second solo  :D From what I've read, 99.9% of me says Aces High will be the opener. Maybe they could throw this is in the middle of the setlist.

3. Oh shit, I have a song I would have loved to hear live on the BNW tour...Nomad! One of Davey's finest! The Thin Line... would have been excellent as well! Dave has some smokin' solos in those songs! As does H  :D

4. Still Life: Should I spoiler this? I am, cuz there's a slight possibility they could play it on this tour...I would love it! Dave's best song!

5. I would have loved to see the AMOLAD tour last fall, that album is simply brilliant. I'm sure they killed on Brighter Than A Thousand Suns and These Colours Don't Run! And Benjamin Breeg...

...oh well. There's my 5 (actually 8) songs.

Char, I agree with you about Charlotte The Harlot. Paul making a comeback to sing it would be awesome! If I remember right, from watching bits on You Tube, wasn't Charlotte played at the 1988 Donington Monsters Of Rock festival? Wasn't it a B-side to a single from back then?

Who sings it better, Paul or Bruce? I would probably say Paul...the studio version is great!
@ Powergirl81
You know, I am not sure about *that* song being played at MOR festival?  However I do like the way paul sings "Charlotte The Harlot"  in studio and live.  I prefer Bruce's vocals over Di'anno any day except for this certain song.

Also, I was at the Powerslave/SIT tours (all the songs you want to hear live) and you were at BNW/DOD tours in which, I wish I would have attended.  Bizzarre eh?