Societies´ Illusions

      I believe that societies live in a self-made illusion, comprising of all the aspects we’ve come to know as daily life. We’ve created a way of living based on nothing; how can we tell if humanity is progressing or not? It’s impossible, since we don’t even know why we are here. As I understand the world around me, humans have been stumbling along since they started these so-called societies: we marry, have children, get jobs and so on, but what’s the point of it all? Do we really have a reason for all of this or are we just picking up where our forefathers left off?. Does a serious discussion exist in which some humans have stopped and said, "We need to go back to basics and try finding the reasons for our behavior, AND REALLY IMPLEMENT what we find out."
      You might argue this is what philosophy is for, or that these questions are for scientist or theologians to argue and examine, but that’s precisely what I’m against; these are questions for all of us to try to answer and pass on what we find out, this is not something interesting to read once in a while, but serious enough to implement in our lives. The absence of this is what makes societies so homogenous; the majority of people do the same thing because that is what they are taught, not by people that choose to examine these topics but by people that choose to just go along with life.
      The people that make changes in the structure of societies are those who don’t belong to them, those on the margin that do not conform to the status quo, but are intelligent enough not to deform their existence to the point of uselessness; they take the opportunity to leave something behind that is a testament to their reality, to the way they see life after examining it, to themselves as a person who really lived.
      The only two things that you really have in life are experiences and achievements, everything else is an illusion, from money to social relations, all can be lost, or better said, if you think about it, you don’t have it: What do you think is keeping someone who hates you from killing you? Security provided by society’s structure and its cohesion, both of which sometimes seem to disappear into the irrational act of crime and disorder? But are these aberrations of our societies or reality showing its ugly head? Every day at work and at home, we fight for our survival by fighting a more "civil" struggle for life that doesn’t have anything to envy that of our ancestors'. But somehow we perceive life at home and at work as safe, as a linear work in progress that assures us that we are not wasting our life. For me both the work life and home life are nihilistic in themselves, the true value has to be found in the experience or achievements we get out of them.
      All this might sound depressing, but for me is empowering, the fact that no one knows what is right makes you free to determine your own path thru life. Life is what you make of it.

Marcus Agrippa said:
      The people that make changes in the structure of societies are those who don’t belong to them, those on the margin that do not conform to the status quo, but are intelligent enough not to deform their existence to the point of uselessness; they take the opportunity to leave something behind that is a testament to their reality, to the way they see life after examining it, to themselves as a person who really lived.
Yes, these are the ones that didn't wanted to adjust themselves to the world, but to adjust the world to themselves. And they are the ones who made continuous progress of humanity.

Marcus Agrippa said:
      I believe that societies live in a self-made illusion, comprising of all the aspects we’ve come to know as daily life. We’ve created a way of living based on nothing; how can we tell if humanity is progressing or not? It’s impossible, since we don’t even know why we are here. As I

This reminds me of a line in a song-  "Your satisfaction lies in your illusions, but your dellusions are yours and not mine"

But what do we see as progress of humanity? Is it the technological progress, the expanding freedom of an individual or is it the degree of self-avareness of an individual or/and the whole world's society. Hegel thought it was freedom, the absolute spirit actualizing itself through the course of history, whose progress is seen in the societies of different eras and the degree of freedom they possesed.

Marcus Agrippa said:
   killing you? Security provided by society’s structure and its cohesion, both of which sometimes seem to disappear into the irrational act of crime and disorder? But are these aberrations of our societies or reality showing its ugly head?

This is perhaps the irrational side of humans bursting out, that, as some thinkers believed(including Freud), is a constant threat to the civilised society which is a product of the rational mind. Even though humans had to suppress the irrational, it is still seen, Freud stated, in curses like- 'go to hell'- in his opinion it showes the suppressed irrationality, because it means 'die'- that the one who said it wished for someone to die, on a subconscious level perhaps.
Socrates said it best: The life which is unexamined is not worth living. "Apology." Plato (c. 428 - 348 B.C.) quoting Socrates.

@ Urizen: The song quote is from Guns N' Roses.  The illusions refer to the ones many starstruck fans and musicians get while observing or living in the rock n' roll lifestyle.
Genghis Khan said:
@ Urizen: The song quote is from Guns N' Roses.  The illusions refer to the ones many starstruck fans and musicians get while observing or living in the rock n' roll lifestyle.

I know it's 'GNR' . I very much like that line. I understand the verse differently, with a broader meaning. In my opinion it could be applied to anyone having great satisfaction in material possesions or having a somewhat illusional image of himself, thinking too highly of himself. And also for the people taking their trivial social relations, for example, too seriously, or taking great satisfacion from pretty average feats. Like when someone is all hyped up by getting a new mobile and is drooling over all the features it has - that is where I see 'his satisfaction lying in his illusion'.
Society for me, it's just another form of being a slave.  Following rules to be happy with each other, but are we really happy with each other?  I've seen many people fight themselves because of stupid things like traffic, which they believe is controlled, but it's not.

And here comes the fan favourite: Bureocracy.

God knows I hate that, I just hate their stupid processes that make you lose time, and hell, maybe with luck you'll get out of there as angry as you could imagine and more.

On the other hand, I can't think of a solution.  I am a slave of all this, and I hate myself for that.
Urizen said:
I know it's 'GNR' . I very much like that line. I understand the verse differently, with a broader meaning. In my opinion it could be applied to anyone having great satisfaction in material possesions or having a somewhat illusional image of himself, thinking too highly of himself. And also for the people taking their trivial social relations, for example, too seriously, or taking great satisfacion from pretty average feats. Like when someone is all hyped up by getting a new mobile and is drooling over all the features it has - that is where I see 'his satisfaction lying in his illusion'.

I absolutely agree with you.  I interpreted it similarly when I was so into GNR.  Essentially, illusions and delusions result when we mistake popular opinion with correctness.
Metal_made said:
Society for me, it's just another form of being a slave.  Following rules to be happy with each other, but are we really happy with each other?  I've seen many people fight themselves because of stupid things like traffic, which they believe is controlled, but it's not.

And here comes the fan favourite: Bureocracy.

God knows I hate that, I just hate their stupid processes that make you lose time, and hell, maybe with luck you'll get out of there as angry as you could imagine and more.

On the other hand, I can't think of a solution.  I am a slave of all this, and I hate myself for that.

You CAN become a slave of society if you let it get to you. It all goes back to the Social philosophers whether it's Hobbs or Locke.  The whole idea of society was to increase and protect peoples' freedom. By this I mean the insurance of survival and ownership over their possessions. It is simple, play by the rules and you'll be fine... just like in sports. And just like in sports if you cheat you get in trouble.