SIX FEET UNDER Enter Studio To Record New Album!


Ancient Mariner

SIX FEET UNDER have entered Morrisound Studios in Tampa, Florida to record
tracks for their new album that will be out through Metal Blade Records
sometime in the fall.

The following is a studio report by SIX FEET UNDER front man Chris Barnes:
\"Hello mother fuckers!!!! It's me, your friendly singer dude from SIX FEET
UNDER... Well, well, it's that time again!!!! Back in the fuckin' studio,
and not just any studio - Morrisound Recording here in sunny Tampa, home of
the mutha fuckin' Bucs, baby!! So here's the rundown... First off, let me
just tell you that its great to be back in the studio. It's been a while,
and it's especially great to be back at Morrisound layin' these new tracks
down. It's like revisiting an old neighborhood that you grew up in or some
shit... Well, enough of the walk down memory lane. We've got 11 new songs
for you guys and girls this time around, none of which are cover songs! I'll
start revealing song titles in the next couple weeks as we get movin' along
with the CD title on my favorite day of the year. I'll tell you this
people... these new songs are crushing!! It's a lot different from our last
release but heavy as fuck! Our good friend Chris Carroll is doin' the
recording. He's been with us since 'Maximum Violence' and has proved to be
an important part of our sound live and in the studio. As for the mix, we
are looking at a few different people. For that, we will let you know as we
get closer to track completion.
Anyway...this is the third day of recording drum tracks. The first day we
just took our time, got G-Money set up and all tuned and mic'd. Got that
killer Morrisound drum sound kickin' again, those bass drums sound great!! G
is real happy with his sound this time around - he's usin' different size
kick drums and they sound thunderous! Yesterday was a full day of recording
drums and we got down four tracks, we should have about four or five more
drum tracks done today. We'll be done with the drums by Friday - and start
recording guitars on Saturday, hopefully Terry's new bass rig will arrive by
then. Studio pics coming soon!!... Anyway, I'll keep you posted on our
progress - keep killin' - Barnes - SIX FEET UNDER [not the TV show!]\"

In the near future there will be more studio updates from Chris Barnes on
the bands website: Check it out!