Seven Witches

Eddie's Lil Helper

Ancient Mariner
SEVEN WITCHES guitarist Jack Frost has posted the following message at the band's official web site:

"The newest SEVEN WITCHES CD ['Year of the Witch'] is out on Sanctuary Records and is receiving great reviews. If you haven't got it yet, what are you waiting for? The reviewers say they think this is our best work yet. More exciting news for the WITCHES, we've just signed with Tammy Taylor of Universal Attractions (yup, a division of Universal Movies), one of the largest booking agencies on the east coast. Currently we're working on a major U.S. tour, scheduled to start in January. All the details aren't worked out yet, but let's just say the tour should be insane! Even more exciting news for all you WITCHES fans, we're currently working on putting an official issue SEVEN WITCHES DVD together. The DVD will include live performances and a whole bunch of other great shit, look for it sometime in 2005. In other related news, James Rivera, lead singer and all around talented motherfucker, is currently doing a HELSTAR reunion tour scheduled soon for Europe, so keep an eye out for James and the HELSTAR boys as this should be a killer tour for them. Currently I'm working on putting together another solo CD. No release date or title as of yet, but as soon as I figure it out, I'll have it up here on the website to keep all of you informed. Coming soon on the website, a new section called 'Witches and Beyond', a section dedicated to everything that the WITCHES members have done past to present. This section will include rare pictures, little known facts, videos and audio. It should be up sometime in the near future."