Salt Lake City

It's your birthday in my time zone, fellow king!  Many kind returns and many kind beers!
You have traveled in a circle now for approximately 21600000000 miles or 34776000000 kilometers and what do you have to show for it? Huh? Tell me man! Get your beer, at least show me that!

Happy Birthday Wasted Mormon!

:hbd: :cheers:
Oh my word - I have only just got the reason behind this thread title. :D
Thanks all!  Its been a great day!!  70ish(F), sun shining... had hotwings and beer for lunch, partied today, listened to music, and got some really good 'mattress' time!

@D%N, Traveling through both space and time.... I am still in the same place, but I have drank more beer this year!!!

Bottoms up all, and thanks for the great posts, here is to another year of wasted posts!

...and how fun to be drinking in the middle of the day!!