Run For Your Lives tour their last or not?

2025/2026 Run For Your Lives tour their last?

  • Yes, last tour

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Not their last tour

    Votes: 17 65.4%

  • Total voters
I'm cca 65:35 inclined to think it is not going to be their last tour. And that whatever 'Arry had said before, they are going to replace Nicko (amicably, he'll probably stay connected to the band, like with Jukka Nevalainen and Angela Gossow) and keep on touring for as long as 'Arry is going to be able to, which - and now I'm completely pulling numbers out of my arse - might be until, say, 2030.
They've very much left all options open. It's always plausible the next tour could be their last. But I don't think there's any concrete plan.
For me, there are various indications that point to a continuation of the tour in 2027, but none that point to retirement.
I think so same, they omitted many European markets/cities in 2025, such as Greece, Turkey, Balcans, Romania, Bulgaria some festivals. I suppose they will add another year with some 20 dates as did in 2014 with Maiden England Tour.
It all comes down to Nicko AND whether enough members are up for continuing. I'm under the impression that Steve and Bruce will go as long as there is an appetite for it. I'm not sure on the guitar players honestly, I tend to believe the rumors that Dave is ready to retire. I also wouldn't be surprised if Adrian is feeling over it by now. I think the band could continue with a two guitar lineup, although it would be something to see Adrian and Janick remain while Dave retires. Regardless, I believe pretty strongly that if Steve and Bruce want to keep Iron Maiden going, they can replace as many members as they want. This isn't a value judgment on whether it's the right thing to do, it's just my opinion on what's possible based on precedent set by other rock/metal bands.

As for the Nicko of it all, I am very very skeptical that he will be on the Run For Your Lives tour. Frankly, I am not going to be surprised if he is unable to finish out the current tour. I believe they will stay quiet about this until either he is forced to sit out the rest of Future Past or weeks before RFYL gets started.

IF the band decides to continue beyond RFYL, I see it playing out like this:
1: Sometime between now and 2026, Nicko is replaced by a younger drummer.

2: The band is purposefully ambiguous about their future touring/studio plans, but we then hear something about how everybody is having such a good time working with the new drummer and they're now motivated to enter the studio with the new member. It's also possible they record in between legs in early 2026.

3: Album released in 2026 or 2027 with a very small scale tour to follow.

Personally, this is a very unlikely possibility imo. I think RFYL is intended as the last major world tour but it doesn't necessarily preclude more Maiden shows. I think it'll be smaller scale stuff like what they were doing before 2008 (think the NA theater run in 2004 or the sporadic charity gigs in 2002), which allows them to do shows focused more on new material or more career spanning setlists, probably with a more static stage show. But it all comes down to the band being willing to continue without Nicko and possibly go on with only two guitarists (or all three guitarists on board).

More likely imo is they just stop after 2026, but we'll see. I said this back when it was announced, but I really think The Mandrake Project was a pretty strong indication that Bruce is at least looking ahead to a post-Maiden career. Bruce, Steve, and Adrian all have solo projects lined up which tells me that Maiden is ready to wind down.
The whole tour and theme feels like a finale and considering Nicko's form, but Steve said they have no plans to retire for now (which still could mean 2026, Bruce said they have plans until then), Rod mentioned the future in the press release - so I think not their last.

One could never know as they always said they won't do a farewell tour and I think in his new solo album liner notes, Bruce wanted to breathe new enthusiasm into the band and for them to write one more album, which I think they still have a desire for.

The dates for the 2026 leg of the new tour will tell us more.

It all depends on Nicko. Steve has said in the past that they won't replace anyone, so this tour could be their last, only because of Nicko's form. They can play fewer and fewer shows per year to keep the lineup (the new tour will be big, especially the 2nd leg), but given their age it would be normal for them to want to retire. They always say they want to sound good live. Everyone bar Nicko is in great form. And I still feel they love playing live, probably more than ever now. Yes, incl. Dave. They won't continue with 2 guitars.

The options are open now. We have to wait and see. Let's not forget that 4 of the band members have solo projects going on. Bruce touring and releasing new solo albums may suggest something.

If they want to continue beyond 2026, it should be with a new album (released in 2026 or 2027) - because that's what they usually do. Btw, Nicko should be the studio drummer, right? The new album tour could only be 1 year, why not. Smaller scale. But not in terms of the stage design! And that will mean 2028/2029 Hits again.

All of the old classic bands that are still active and have classic members are Maiden, Metallica, Saxon and Priest, but some of the are younger or have younger members. The problem is, and especially at their stage of the career, the drummer has the hardest job in the band.

Until 2029 is probably the best we can hope for, even with a new drummer.
It all depends on Nicko. Steve has said in the past that they won't replace anyone, so this tour could be their last, only because of Nicko's form. They can play fewer and fewer shows per year to keep the lineup (the new tour will be big, especially the 2nd leg), but given their age it would be normal for them to want to retire. They always say they want to sound good live. Everyone bar Nicko is in great form. And I still feel they love playing live, probably more than ever now. Yes, incl. Dave. They won't continue with 2 guitars.
Maiden maybe many things but i think theyve got too much integrity to be replacing multiple members. Nicko at an absolute push but i think if it goes beyond that then theyll call it a day. Bruce has his solo career and Steve has BS if they want to continue. Also by Rods statement it seems they have no plans retire yet but are just playing it by ear i.e peoples health