In this fantasy stock market, you buy stock in rock bands. The object of the game is to build the most valuable portfolio.
The game is currently in testing phase. Users should expect bugs and crashes from time to time. Report these to me by PM.
You can also expect rule changes as I tweak the game. I'll try to keep all the changes posted here.
You may suggest rule changes or any other improvements to me, again by PM.
Create an account by filling in your email, password and nickname. On subsequent logins, you just need the email and password.
You start the game with $500 in cash, and earn another $1 per vote you cast. (That's vote, not ballot - if you vote in all 6 polls on one ballot, that's $6 for you.) So cash is easy to get. Right now, all you cash counts in your portfolio value, but this is planned to change soon (changing to a maximum of $500 cash counting towards portfolio value).
Click on the "buy" button on the right side of the polls to buy a stock. You can buy up to 5 shares in each stock, if you have the cash. You can only own one-third of the different stocks. So with the 12 stocks currently in this test version, you can own up to 4 different stocks, up to 5 shares of each.
Another limitation on stock ownership is that only half the players can own a given stock. I'd like to get 10 beta testers, so this means up to 5 players can own (for example) Iron Maiden stock. In other words, watch the list of users below your portfolio. When it gets bigger, it means that a stock may have become available to you that was not available before.
After each buy or sell transaction, the price of a stock changes slightly. It goes up a nickel after each share bought, or down a nickel after each share sold.
You cannot vote in polls if you own one or both of those stocks. You only get to influence the market for other stocks, while other voters influence the prices of stocks you buy.
You do not have to buy any stocks to vote in the polls. And because of the ownership limits, there should usually be some open polls you can vote in.
At the conclusion of each poll, a stock's price is adjusted depending on how well it did in the poll. The polls are not decided by simple majority. A more expensive stock is expected to get more votes. Each stock has a secret number of votes it must reach to win. Polls are run in rounds of 6 polls at a time. The next round of polls will not be started until all polls in the previous round are closed.
Known bugs:
At the conclusion of a round of polls, the game may generate a screen with no polls and possibly an error message. Just refresh your browser, and it will be fixed.
The list of portfolio values below your portfolio may be wrong - check what is listed for you portfolio there, and if it is different from the value given just above, then most of the values there are wrong by the same amount. (Example: if your portfolio is cut by half in the list, then most others are too.) An exception: portfolios of cash only (no stock) appear to be correct at all times. So the amounts may be wrong, but your ranking should be approximately correct.
Right now, there are some inactive features of the site which are being debugged. I need you to play the game so I can gather data to debug them. When I can get the bugs fixed, you'll get graphs to track your portfolio or various stocks over time, and information about how stocks perform against each other in the polls.
In this fantasy stock market, you buy stock in rock bands. The object of the game is to build the most valuable portfolio.
The game is currently in testing phase. Users should expect bugs and crashes from time to time. Report these to me by PM.
You can also expect rule changes as I tweak the game. I'll try to keep all the changes posted here.
You may suggest rule changes or any other improvements to me, again by PM.
Create an account by filling in your email, password and nickname. On subsequent logins, you just need the email and password.
You start the game with $500 in cash, and earn another $1 per vote you cast. (That's vote, not ballot - if you vote in all 6 polls on one ballot, that's $6 for you.) So cash is easy to get. Right now, all you cash counts in your portfolio value, but this is planned to change soon (changing to a maximum of $500 cash counting towards portfolio value).
Click on the "buy" button on the right side of the polls to buy a stock. You can buy up to 5 shares in each stock, if you have the cash. You can only own one-third of the different stocks. So with the 12 stocks currently in this test version, you can own up to 4 different stocks, up to 5 shares of each.
Another limitation on stock ownership is that only half the players can own a given stock. I'd like to get 10 beta testers, so this means up to 5 players can own (for example) Iron Maiden stock. In other words, watch the list of users below your portfolio. When it gets bigger, it means that a stock may have become available to you that was not available before.
After each buy or sell transaction, the price of a stock changes slightly. It goes up a nickel after each share bought, or down a nickel after each share sold.
You cannot vote in polls if you own one or both of those stocks. You only get to influence the market for other stocks, while other voters influence the prices of stocks you buy.
You do not have to buy any stocks to vote in the polls. And because of the ownership limits, there should usually be some open polls you can vote in.
At the conclusion of each poll, a stock's price is adjusted depending on how well it did in the poll. The polls are not decided by simple majority. A more expensive stock is expected to get more votes. Each stock has a secret number of votes it must reach to win. Polls are run in rounds of 6 polls at a time. The next round of polls will not be started until all polls in the previous round are closed.
Known bugs:
At the conclusion of a round of polls, the game may generate a screen with no polls and possibly an error message. Just refresh your browser, and it will be fixed.
The list of portfolio values below your portfolio may be wrong - check what is listed for you portfolio there, and if it is different from the value given just above, then most of the values there are wrong by the same amount. (Example: if your portfolio is cut by half in the list, then most others are too.) An exception: portfolios of cash only (no stock) appear to be correct at all times. So the amounts may be wrong, but your ranking should be approximately correct.
Right now, there are some inactive features of the site which are being debugged. I need you to play the game so I can gather data to debug them. When I can get the bugs fixed, you'll get graphs to track your portfolio or various stocks over time, and information about how stocks perform against each other in the polls.