Recommendations, please!

Dr. Eddies Wingman

Brighter than thousand_suns
When I was at a music store a couple of weeks ago, to find Christmas presents for the family (yes, bloody unoriginal, I know it), I also picked up a couple of records for myself. I finally bought The X Factor on CD (only had it as mp3s before), and also decided to pick up an Iced Earth CD. Because I thought the war themed cover picture was cool, having heard very little of Iced Earth earlier, I settled on "The Glorious Burden". I really like it, especially the Gettysburg trilogy in the end.

If I should buy another of their records, which one would the people here recommend? I have the impression that Matt Barlow is regarded as the "classic" Iced Earth singer, so it should perhaps be one of his?

(I chose to post in General Discussion instead of in the Metal for Life forum because there is more traffic here ...)
Maverick's Commentary gives ratings (presumably Maverick's own views) of Iced Earth's albums here:, and includes the following advice:  "For Iron Maiden fans, I would recommend starting with the live album Alive In Athens. This is truly one of the best live albums ever recorded, completely on par with Maiden's Live After Death, and it gives a great sampling of materal from each of Iced Earth's albums."  Also, "The Blessed and the Damned" is a good Greatest Hits[sic] collection.  In my opinion, Iced Earth is a far cry from the quality of Iron Maiden, but these two recommendations (as you might imagine, quite a few songs overlap) are solid. 
I also agree - Alive In Athens. That's what I started with.

When you're ready for studio albums: Something Wicked This Way Comes. (Although you get the best of that on AIA anyway.)

Or the 2-CD version of Days Of Purgatory - good overview of their early songs.
SinisterMinisterX said:
Something Wicked This Way Comes. (Although you get the best of that on AIA anyway.)

Exacly. I'd go for older studio material such as Night of The Stormrider or Burnt Offerings.
I would recommend The Dark Saga after Alive in Athens.  It's my favourite IE record currently.
Honestly any of their records except their first self-titled would be a good choice. Personally I'd go with Burnt Offerings or Dark Saga first, then go from their...
My path was: Alive In Athens, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Glorious Burden, Dark Saga, and then the rest. Dark Saga was, however, the album that really got me into them, and remains my favourite.
Well, since my lack of originality persists, I'm going to the record store again today for more Christmas presents. I think I'll give myself one as well, and I'll have your suggestions in mind, Gentlemen. Thanks for the tips!
If allowed, in the end all IE-albums with Barlow are worth getting. They are all quite different, though I find Dark Saga and SWTWC more alike than the other works.

The Burnt Offerings is a very atmospherical, dark and angry album. Long songs, including the Rime of the Ancient Mariner of IE, called "Dante's Inferno"

Night of the Stormrider has many classics tracks and should always be pursued!
Dark Saga is also dark, but more melancholic and sad.

I've never been a fan of the SWTWC studio album. Reason: I discovered it after I'd heard Alive in Athens. Compared to the live versions, the SW-tracks are not that interesting and sound a bit weak. The songs which are not on AiA are fillers, while most songs of other olders albums, which are not on AiA, are cool classics.
So in a way I don't care for the studio release of SWTWC. Alive in Athens kills it. Just my 2 cents.

Alive in Athens contains three discs, at the moment for the price of 10 euro (at least where I live)!
OH, quick reminder, make sure to get the 3CD Alive in Athens! There is a 2CD version not worth your money, get all 3 or none at all!
Forostar said:
Alive in Athens contains three discs, at the moment for the price of 10 euro (at least where I live)!

10 Euro? That is approximately 80 NOK. I knew there were differences in price levels, but this is insane. Here in Norway it is not possible to get a standard CD at that price unless the record store is running a low-price campaign. Standard price for a CD is between 150 and 190 NOK (that would be something between €18,50 and €24,50). But - actually the biggest music store in Trondheim did have Alive in Athens. At what must, for a three-CD package, be considered as bargain price in Norwegian terms. That is, 220 NOK ... So, I bought it and I'm going to listen to it tonight  :)
Eddies Wingman said:
10 Euro? That is approximately 80 NOK. I knew there were differences in price levels, but this is insane. Here in Norway it is not possible to get a standard CD at that price unless the record store is running a low-price campaign. Standard price for a CD is between 150 and 190 NOK (that would be something between €18,50 and €24,50). But - actually the biggest music store in Trondheim did have Alive in Athens. At what must, for a three-CD package, be considered as bargain price in Norwegian terms. That is, 220 NOK ... So, I bought it and I'm going to listen to it tonight  :)

This 10 euro thing is an exception. We hardly have such great prices. The official release is from 1999 or something around that time. Now it's re-released and in some shops I've seen it for 10 euro. It might have to do with the fact that IE switched record companies lately.

Have a great listen! I'm so curious what you'll think of "Dante's Inferno"! Please report, here or in the Iced Earth topic!  :)
Since no one's mentioned Horror Show or Framing Armageddon, I am going to recommend them warmly.  Damien, Wolf, and Dracula among others are amazing songs, and Framing Armageddon is an excellent concept album.  About the others, though, enough has been said.  I would recommend the entire back catalogue, but if you're pressed for money, then at least get Alive in Athens. 
i think they weren't mentioned, because people were recommending good starting points, not necessarily good albums (that was just a bonus hehe). But I agree that Horror Show is a very good album, but pretty different from early IE. Musically very progressive in that it is much more melodic, but theme wise very back to roots.
Forostar said:
Have a great listen! I'm so curious what you'll think of "Dante's Inferno"! Please report, here or in the Iced Earth topic!  :)

Well, on Tuesday I only heard through the first disc (it was late and I had to go to bed) and yesterday I was busy preparing (and participating in) our department's Christmas party, but it sounded promising. Dante's Inferno was one of the songs I noticed, but in order to give it a fair review I need to hear it a couple of times. Guess I'll listen to the remaining two discs tonight or tomorrow, and then I'll give some songs an extra  listen - DI among them, methinks.

But my first impression was "This is not half bad!"  :)
Alive in Athens is by far my favorite live cd... the energy comes roaring through the speakers and you just FEEL there, the crowd noise is incredible... just a brilliant piece of work.