Random Song: Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine


Ancient Mariner
Personally, I yet have to hear a metal track in the 21st century (as aggressive as this) that is better than this Swedish creation.

Of course it's a matter of taste, but listen to this intensity and the guitar work. Love the harmonies in the choruses and the creme the la creme lead in the midpiece.

Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine (1999)


(once again I forgot a poll, sorry!)
8, honestly this track kinda surprised me. Had some nice melodies covered by very aggressive drums and guitar playing. Some of the screaming was kind of a turn off though.
It was good, not great. The vocals wasn't that very good, but the guitar and drums and stuff was very good, so i give it a 7
If I were you I wouldn't always only listen to latest albums and stigmatize a whole band's career on that single listening session. Bands can change. This was an old song, and generally seen as one of their best.

Errr... and I don't think your comment was the smartest move if you want to promote understanding for aggressive metal without clean vocals (after I backed you up earlier on on the subject?).   ::)
Well, I actually liked that album, and still listen to it ;) I still think that the vocals suck, but that doesn't stop me from listening to music :cheers: If it had someone that sings like this...