Pick the three best performed songs from Beast Over Hammersmith

The three best performed songs from Beast Over Hammersmith?

  • Murders In The Rue Morgue

  • Wrathchild

  • Run To The Hills

  • Children Of The Damned

  • The Number Of The Beast

  • Another Life

  • Total Eclipse

  • Transylvania

  • The Prisoner

  • Hallowed Be Thy Name

  • Phantom Of The Opera

  • Iron Maiden

  • Sanctuary

  • Drifter

  • Running Free

  • Prowler

  • Killers

  • 22 Acacia Avenue

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Dick Brucinson

Bruce Dolci
Listening to Beast Over Hammersmith again and again these days, and I'm blown away by the entire performance of all 18 songs ever since, the album just doesn't get boring. If you were to pick the three best performances out of it - which songs will you go with?

My vote (in no particular order):
Killers (I love how aggressively Bruce is singing that one)
Run To The Hills (I love once again how aggressively Bruce is singing that one)

Please consider one thing: This thread is NOT about your favourite song(s) from that era. Think a moment of the actual question, which is basically all about performance. So if you'd generally e.g. rate let's say Drifter low in your personal book, it could in this case well be a proper choice anyway - because of its performance. ( @AncientMariner_Essex had some excellent words in another recent thread of mine about how questions in here are getting misunderstood often :ok: )
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Wrathchild - Tight and ferocious, nice little extra melodies here and there. By the time of the scream in the middle I bet those who saw Bruce live for the first time and had doubts or concerns beforehand were won over

Total Eclipse - Bruce attacking the lyrics with menace and delivers raw vocals

The Prisoner - Very identical to the studio version, well not surprising considering it was only recorded I think less than 3 months earlier, but slightly faster which makes it even better + transition from Davey´s solo to final chorus is something else

Honourable mention - 22 Acacia Avenue, did not make the top-3 as Bruce is still quite cautious and tame compared to few months later when he was on top of the song
Tough question because all are so good.

Hallowed is one for sure. As for the others: Drifter, Sanctuary, Wrathchild, Transylvania, Prisoner, Children, Number, and Murders.

Why? Close to the studio versions, Bruce's brutal vocals. Not to mention solos, bass playing or drumming.