Only In G.w.b.'s America...

This is interesting. I don't have much more to say than what most will probably be thinking anyway, but there's a few things I personally would like to point out.
I think the sexualization of society, in which nude people are shown on TV at about 16.00 and sexual discussions are shown even before noon is disgusting. However, we aren't dealing with sex here. We are dealing with art, plain and simple. That is also something what the kids should learn about it. They should learn that Michelangelo's "David" or the "Venus of Milo" isn't renaissance porn, but the depiction of beauty ideals of that time. To take only one example, in art history, the nude woman can stand for many things. In pre-Christian art, she is often a symbol of fertility, life, and only towards the end of the pre-Christian era a symbol of beauty. In early Christian art, she is a symbol of sin, lust, temptation and anything dirty, while in the renaissance, she suddenly starts becoming a symbol for innocence, purity and, again, beauty. After that, it becomes a bit more obscure, and the nude female starts melting all these symbols together.
I also believe that if kids are prevented from seeing nude people on TV, but get confronted with them in art, they will learn to appreciate beauty and dignity of the human being much better, much sooner, and in many cases, they will learn to appreciate it at all.