Move over, Yngwie!


Staff member
Recently, I got into the music of an Iranian guitarist named Farzad Golpayegani.
As he is an Iranian rock musician, not only does he get very little international recognition, but he has never been able to get a major gig in his home country, much less release a record - a fate that many of his compatriots share, since metal is "unislamic" and "satanic".
However, the complete lack of hope for commercial success guarantees that Iranian rock and metal musicians are in it for the music- and are eager to share it. So, like other artists, Golpayegani has put up his entire discography on his website for people to download and listen to.
And what can I say, the man is brilliant. He is easily in the league of western guitar heroes like Yngwie Malmsteen or Steve Vai. All of his tracks are instrumental, but they are always very interesting and exciting to listen to. I think anybody who appreciates hard 'n heavy guitar sounds should like this, except for those who really can't stand oriental tunes, as this is obviously also a strong element in the music.

So visit his site, download his stuff and give it a listen - you're in for a real treat!
Good call perun.I'm always partial to a good shred.If you like lots of lead guitar jamming, check out Flower Travelling Man by a band called Earthless, You'll find it on their myspace page.