I had a seminar with a group of about 30 people on a small island in the North Sea a bit more than a year ago. The island is a fairly popular tourist goal, so there were several hundred people there apart from us. It was the last evening and we had a little grill party, complete with beer, wine and so on. We were happily partying among ourselves when there appeared a group of 14-year-olds. They kept being noisy and asked for cigarettes or beer, which none of us were ready to give them. I was sitting at a wall along with two or three others. The whole pack approached us and took a very threatening semicircular position. Then, the leader, who was in the centre, took the word.
"Alright, alright. Capitals!"
Everybody was staring at him. I replied first.
"Capitals! I name five countries and you name their capitals. Then you name five countries and I name their capitals. If I win, I get a fag. If you win, you get what you want."
"So will you piss off if I win?"
"OK, I'll do it." (At that point, I already got some considerable support from others of my group because I was well-known to be a nerd about useless knowledge)
"Alright, I'll start. Central African Republic."
He didn't even finish talking when I answered: "Bangui."
Only once before did I ever look into such a shocked face. He continued. "Sudan."
"Uh... Kazakhstan."
"Equatorial Guinea."
I didn't know that one. Nevertheless, the guy said: "Well, actually, you're the winner. I usually win at these first three ones, I didn't expect you to know those."
I got a fag from somebody else and gave it to him, he gave me some of his Vodka-Orange mix and we continued a little, just for fun. Finally, the pack left and I heard the leader saying loudly to his peers. "That was the best opponent I ever had!"
As soon as they were out of sight, the whole group cheered for me. To me, that was pretty much the most bizarre moment I ever experienced.