The Hunter
Catchiest Mastodon album. Even though songs are all relatively short, I think this album can still be classified as progressive metal. Lots of different moods, song structures, vocal techniques = progressiveness
This is Mastodon at their best - even the vocals, which are definitely the weakest part of the band, are really awesome. Songs fall into few categories:
Calmer songs/ballads
The Hunter - This song is about Brent Hinds' brother who died while hunting. Which is probably the reason why it's probably Brent's best performance both vocal- and guitar-wise ever. Amazing lyrics, and one of the best Mastodon solos ever.
Thickening - Another almost-ballad. Very atmospheric and with a great chorus.
Creature Lives - This is the first, and so far the only, Mastodon song that was composed exclusively by Brann and also the only song where Brann does all the vocals. It's pretty much the mellowest Mastodon song. Sounds almost like soundtrack to Disney cartoon or something like that
Though, it's pretty awesome and works great as the last song in the setlist (after the juggernaut that's Blood & Thunder
The Sparrow - Another atmospheric song. It's mostly Brann on vocals again, though it's mostly all of them singing at the same time. It's great, but also too outro-ish...
Straightforward heavy songs
Curl Of The Burl - Probably the goofiest Mastodon lyrics ("I killed a man cause he killed my goat"), but still pretty damn awesome song. Total 80's heavy metal worship.
Blasteroid - The only song on the album that features harsh vocals (though as far as I remember, they also appear on bonus track Deathbound). It's catchy and heavy but it's in the bottom half of the album.
Dry Bone Valley - Another song with Brann on vocals and again he does a great job. Also sounds pretty damn awesome live, mostly because Brent doesn't sing on it (his vocals are pretty bad live
Spectrelight - A bit too fast for Mastodon IMO. Their best work is midpaced/slow, so this one isn't one of my favorites. It's not bad, but it's also nothing special
Mix of previous two categories
Black Tongue - One of Mastodon's best songs. Badass riffing and drumming and all-around great performance. Some nice Maiden-like harmonies and solos too. And ofc the chorus is legendary
Stargasm - Now this song is so amazing. It's atmospheric and mellow but also really heavy. It's amazing in every possible way, probably my favorite Mastodon song.
All The Heavy Lifting - Another song with lots of changes. Heavy verses, great sing-along chorus and super heavy section near the end. Still, it's in bottom half of the album with 2 following songs.
Octopus Has No Friends / Bedazzled Fingernails + bonuses The Ruiner / Deathbound - Weakest songs on the album. They do have nice choruses, but other than that, not much.