Maiden in Dubai 2007!!!



Hello everyone !

YES , Maiden are finally to confirmed to headline the middle east biggest rock event around headlining Dubai's Desertrock festival on
the 9th of March !!! Ive been a maiden fan for over 12 years now and i guess iam blessed that iam going to watch one of my
most favorite bands of all time LIVE !

Yet , i guess thats not enough for me ! iam really willing to meet he band somewhere when they're are on the Emirates soil !
any idea how can i get Backstage passes to get to meet the band ? do i have to be an official FC member to be able to
get the backstage passes ? If i cant get any back stage passes , how can i get to know which hotel exactly are Maiden staying at ?

Dubai fans , i really hope we can arrange something big together and tend to meet the band with a huge pleasent suprise !
cheers everyone !