Looking for more rare Hi-res Derek Rigg's Eddie's

Lord of Wolves 78

Educated Fool
I know there is a similar thread, but I'm also looking for more rare Derek Rigg's Eddie's from both the 80's and 90's to add to my archives/collection. I'm always scouring the internet for more images, but most of the time they are not what I want and the resolution is not up to par. Although at his stage I probably have most of them, but It's no harm to ask. I don't like those new Eddie's that are on the new 2018 calendar, they are not Derek Riggs. Of course if anybody is looking any rare Eddie's, Singles, Album Covers, Live Albums, Posters and even Christmas Eddies I'm your man. All in hi res and super hi-res of course. If anybody sends me any Eddie pics I'll return the favour. And believe or not I have a hi res scan of the Eddie in my avatar too.
I don't mind, as long they are hi res and by Derek Riggs. If you are looking for any rare pics yourself let me know as I have a lot. To give you a rough idea of what I have, I have every single one of those rare Eddie pics in hi res or very hi res that appear in the booklets of 1998 remastered albums.
I don't mind, as long they are hi res and by Derek Riggs. If you are looking for any rare pics yourself let me know as I have a lot. To give you a rough idea of what I have, I have every single one of those rare Eddie pics in hi res or very hi res that appear in the booklets of 1998 remastered albums.

Did you make those scans from Iron Maiden calendars and from posters (Funky, Minerva)? If so, did you remove any writings (Iron Maiden and titles)?
The Posters are way too big and akward to scan in. It's mainly the calendars, tour programmes and very hi res scans from the internet. Any yes all the type/writings are removed by myself.
It will be much better if you scanned pics as uncompressed TIFF's, not JPEG's, but anyway, great stuff:notworthy:! Thank you.

Derek's site is great, but believe it or not I have every single one of his Eddie's on his site, but in a much higher resolution. Plus a lot more Eddie pics that Derek does not have on his site. There is no good or great website to download Eddie's these days. Iron Maiden wallpapers.com used to be de website to go to. It had Eddie's both in landscape and ones in their original form as well.
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Iron Maiden wallpapers.com used to be de website to go to. It had Eddie's both in landscape and ones in their original form as well.

Indeed, that site was great. I remember a night when I saved every single image on that site because I knew it wouldn't last long. Still have them, and the pics from Riggs' old website.

Thanks very much Black Bart it's a very good site, but unfortunately not all the images load up, but thanks anyway. It's such a shame about Iron Maiden wallpapers.com as it was de ultimate go to site. There are no good sites now period.

Indeed, that site was great. I remember a night when I saved every single image on that site because I knew it wouldn't last long. Still have them, and the pics from Riggs' old website.

I saved all of the rare Eddies on that site, and just like you I knew it wasn't going to last forever.