Note: Currently there's no spoiler in my message here, but in the replies which I hope to be added in a few days time, there may be, so I request any and all people who reply to my message to make proper usage of the spoiler tags.
I'm planning on taping one of the major shows of this tour (as I'm not certain which eyes are monitoring this forum, I'd rather not disclose exactly which show it is).
Presently, I'm making all preparatios for perfecting the recording strategy, and the way to get the recorder into the venue.
To get the best out of the recording, I'm going to need a 'spoiler' though. The recordings will be made on Minidisc, and that means that at some point in time I'll have to swap discs.
The Minidisc I have is not of the 1GB kind, so it can hold a maximum of 78 minutes per disc. One of the tricky parts in taping on MDs, is knowing when to swap discs.
This is what I need the spoiler for.
So, I am looking for someone who will be attending one (or more) of the European shows (preferrably one of the first 5 shows or so), and who can keep track of the set-list, and very importantly, the 'pause moments' between the songs (along with the total concert duration).
Ideally, it would be best to change discs around halfway the show, during a pause moment. Doing so (and resetting the manual recording levels, if necessary) is doable in some 20 seconds or so, and I'm hoping to time this such that as little as possible of the show is lost (an overdub of a possible Bruce speech or rant is easier to achieve than a seamless fit of the start of a song).
Sooo, as the European leg is about to start, I'm requesting (advance) help from someone who is willing to keep an eye out for such information, "for the greater good of all Maiden fans".
if the entire show (incl. encores) takes around 2 hours, I'd like to change discs after roughly one hour has past. In order to guesstimate that moment, an insight into which song is played roughly one hour after the show starts, will be very useful. Basically, that may already be enough information for me, without giving away the entire setlist...
Also, during last year's shows, Bruce announced each song pretty much the same way during the various shows. If he does the same thing this time, it'll be a whole lot easier to anticipate a good disc swapping moment if I know in advance when he announces which song in what way (again, all I probably need is such a moment taking place, roughly one hour after the start of the show)...
Your help in this matter will be very much appreciated, and as I'm NOT in it for making any money on such recordings, in due time the recordings will be spread amongst the fans.
Hope to hear from you soon (be it publicly or privately)!
Note: Currently there's no spoiler in my message here, but in the replies which I hope to be added in a few days time, there may be, so I request any and all people who reply to my message to make proper usage of the spoiler tags.
I'm planning on taping one of the major shows of this tour (as I'm not certain which eyes are monitoring this forum, I'd rather not disclose exactly which show it is).
Presently, I'm making all preparatios for perfecting the recording strategy, and the way to get the recorder into the venue.
To get the best out of the recording, I'm going to need a 'spoiler' though. The recordings will be made on Minidisc, and that means that at some point in time I'll have to swap discs.
The Minidisc I have is not of the 1GB kind, so it can hold a maximum of 78 minutes per disc. One of the tricky parts in taping on MDs, is knowing when to swap discs.
This is what I need the spoiler for.
So, I am looking for someone who will be attending one (or more) of the European shows (preferrably one of the first 5 shows or so), and who can keep track of the set-list, and very importantly, the 'pause moments' between the songs (along with the total concert duration).
Ideally, it would be best to change discs around halfway the show, during a pause moment. Doing so (and resetting the manual recording levels, if necessary) is doable in some 20 seconds or so, and I'm hoping to time this such that as little as possible of the show is lost (an overdub of a possible Bruce speech or rant is easier to achieve than a seamless fit of the start of a song).
Sooo, as the European leg is about to start, I'm requesting (advance) help from someone who is willing to keep an eye out for such information, "for the greater good of all Maiden fans".
if the entire show (incl. encores) takes around 2 hours, I'd like to change discs after roughly one hour has past. In order to guesstimate that moment, an insight into which song is played roughly one hour after the show starts, will be very useful. Basically, that may already be enough information for me, without giving away the entire setlist...
Also, during last year's shows, Bruce announced each song pretty much the same way during the various shows. If he does the same thing this time, it'll be a whole lot easier to anticipate a good disc swapping moment if I know in advance when he announces which song in what way (again, all I probably need is such a moment taking place, roughly one hour after the start of the show)...
Your help in this matter will be very much appreciated, and as I'm NOT in it for making any money on such recordings, in due time the recordings will be spread amongst the fans.
Hope to hear from you soon (be it publicly or privately)!