There is no official T-Shirt that shows the band members. I have never seen one on sale anywhere, nor have I ever seen any fan wearing one. I would not rule it out one hundred per cently, but I am about 99,9999999999% sure.
If you ever see one on sale, it is fake. Don't waste your money on them, because they are usually very dodgy and bootleg t-shirts tend to wash out very quickly. Instead, I'd recommend you to make your own! The benefits of this are endless... you can choose any picture you want, the quality is usually good (well, you have to pay a bit for that, but it's still usually less than an official shirt)...
If you're really not convinced that a shirt showing the band members is fake, look for obvious hints. Freaky once posted a
link to an eBay auction for a Maiden shirt actually showing the band members (the eBay link in the thread now has a different shirt on sale); it was supposed to be a Dance of Death merchandise shirt with a poorly edited Ed-Hunter Eddie behind the Blaze-Era lineup, and underneath, the words "Dance Of Death" were written.
I'm not sure if I should leave this open. I cleared up that this is not about trading official merchandise, but are we condoning the trade of fake merchandise? I leave this to one of the more experienced mods.